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        1 - Presentation of Human Resource Productivity Model by a Hybrid ESCOP-BSC Approaches
        Reza Aghaei
        T oday, all countries are seeking promotions in productivity field which can obtain more national production by using fewer resources. This is because of the direct relationship between per income of each country and its productivity rate. One of the most important fac More
        T oday, all countries are seeking promotions in productivity field which can obtain more national production by using fewer resources. This is because of the direct relationship between per income of each country and its productivity rate. One of the most important factors in promoting the goals of management in organization are experts’ resources. Therefore, skilled labor are known as a fundamental invest and organization`s success factor. So, the procedures should be modified and the affairs be improved for organization`s success and survival and this creates by making organization`s and employees more productive. On the other word, an organization which can present better and efficient services and lower costs with effectiveness will be more succeed. This study aims to review the related literature and models of productivity, over the past twenty years, to identify the most important factors affecting on the productivity of human resources and to provide the most appropriate human resource productivity model. This study tries to develop the current findings about the principles and rules of human resource productivity using current resources by a library technique. The results showed that the affecting factors on the productivity of manpower to forty-seven indicators that the integrated model of ESCAP and the Balanced Scorecard, a conceptual model by a hybrid SCOP-BSC model encompasses forty seven criterion which are classified into four factors as bellow: technology and knowledge, customer, techniques and process and organizational. Manuscript profile