• List of Articles E-Business

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Potential of E-Business to Reduce the Bullwhip Effect in Auto Industry of Iran
        Lauya Olfat Mohsen Shafiei Nik Abadi
        Uncertainty about the supply chain and its various components causes demand variability in the length of chain in a way that as diverting from the final customer demand and actual orders, more fluctuation in amount of orders is observed and this can be followed by undes More
        Uncertainty about the supply chain and its various components causes demand variability in the length of chain in a way that as diverting from the final customer demand and actual orders, more fluctuation in amount of orders is observed and this can be followed by undesirable effects. This phenomenon is called Bullwhip effect. Several factors are involved in the occurrence of this problem for which some strategies to are listed. In this paper, first Bullwhip effect and what caused it in the supply chain are defined. Then, Key factors in reducing the effects in Auto industry using Survey are analyzed. Finally, with regard to the capabilities of electronic business, its role in confronting this phenomenon will be expressed. This Research is an Applied Research and a questionnaire containing 26 questions was used for the analysis. According to various aspects of creating Bullwhip Effect, partial sampling was used and a collection of experts in the field of inventory control, production planning and parts supply, sales, after sales service and supply chain management were surveyed. Calculated Samples are 171 experts. In this paper, The Mean Test is used to evaluate each hypothesis and finally Friedman's Test is used to assess being equal rank of Reducing Factors of Bullwhip effect. Innovative aspect of the research is observed in the study and identification of key factors in creating Bullwhip effect in supply chain and investigation of electronic business impact in reducing the negative effect. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Designing a Digital Business Ecosystem Model with an E-learning Approach Using Structural Equation Modeling
        usef sepehriazad morteza mosakhani Ali Davari
        Given that there is a significant gap in the conceptualization of e-learning business ecosystem with e-learning approach, this paper introduces a conceptual framework of e-learning business ecosystem in the digital age by combining two concepts: digital business ecosyst More
        Given that there is a significant gap in the conceptualization of e-learning business ecosystem with e-learning approach, this paper introduces a conceptual framework of e-learning business ecosystem in the digital age by combining two concepts: digital business ecosystem and e-learning ecosystem. In order to design and explain the model of digital business ecosystem, the e-learning application has been implemented. Therefore, this research is fundamental in terms of orientation and exploratory in terms of purpose, and uses a descriptive-correlation approach to analyze the data for a quantitative stage. In this study, a conceptual model was developed by summarizing theories using library review methods, expert opinions and by reviewing studies conducted in digital businesses and e-learning (virtual education), dimensions, factors and components affecting the design of digital business ecosystem model. E-learning has been selected and extracted and the relevant indicators and the proposed conceptual model have been used to design the questionnaire. In the inferential findings and hypothesis testing section, the confirmatory factor analysis technique and the structural equation modeling technique were used. In this study, data were analyzed using SmartPLS2 software. The maximum alpha error level for testing the hypotheses was considered 0.05. As a result of the framework of the digital business ecosystem with the e-learning approach in the digital age based on dimensions and concepts: technology (infrastructure), cultural and social factors, individuals (talents), Information literacy, government and regulations, networks and interactions, stakeholders (markets and customers), environmental factors, capital, financial assistance, business factors, organizational factors, educational factors, innovation, support, evaluation are introduced. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - E-tourism Business Model
        Fatemeh Yavarigohar payam hanafizadeh taraneh hajiahmadi farmahini
        This study sought to develop a social media-based business model for tourism industry. At the first stage, the main elements of the model were extracted from the related literature review and the Osterwalder and Pigneur’s business model framework. At the second stage, t More
        This study sought to develop a social media-based business model for tourism industry. At the first stage, the main elements of the model were extracted from the related literature review and the Osterwalder and Pigneur’s business model framework. At the second stage, to evaluate and prioritize the identified elements, a questionnaire was developed and administered on 119 experts who were selected through snowball sampling. The collected data were then analyzed, using Smart PLS software and the elements were imbedded in the model in order of their importance. Applying multiple case study method, the business model of seven tourism companies who managed to successfully employ the potentials of social media to their benefit were analyzed in the final stage to validate the business model proposed by this study. The findings indicated that active presence in social media would affect the customer-related elements more than those of the supplier-related ones. In other words, the elements related to the relationship with customers, cost structure, value proposition, and distribution channels would be affected more than the elements related to revenue streams, key resources, key activities, and key partnerships. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Designing the Model to Identify and Prioritize the Satisfaction Indicators of e-business Customers in Fuzzy Environment Using BWM and TOPSIS
        Hamed Mohamadalizadeh Mohammad Javad  Ershadi Arman Sajedinejad
        Failure to properly manage limited resources can ultimately lead to failure for these businesses. These businesses play an important role in inventing new methods that lead to technological changes and increased production capacity. It can be said that such units are dr More
        Failure to properly manage limited resources can ultimately lead to failure for these businesses. These businesses play an important role in inventing new methods that lead to technological changes and increased production capacity. It can be said that such units are driven by change and competition, as they alter the overall structure of the market. The creation and development of these businesses is an important policy for creating new jobs, accelerating economic improvement, and fostering the growth of countries. Therefore, special attention should be paid to new businesses. This research aims to identify important factors by examining different models of customer satisfaction as well as theses and papers in this field. By presenting an indigenous model, the research first uses the best-worst fuzzy method to weight the e-business customer satisfaction factors. Then, using a fuzzy TOPSIS technique, it examines one category of e-business, namely online stores, and ranks them in terms of customer satisfaction criteria. The results show that this model, with high computational efficiency and compatibility, highlights the priority of customer satisfaction factors. Additionally, communication and interaction criteria were ranked as the most important, followed by product and service quality, price/time, and sales and after-sales service. Interactions, value/time benchmarking, quality benchmarking, and ultimately sales and after-sales service warranty were identified as the best sub-criteria. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A framework for architecture the electronic trust in e-commerce:online shopping segment
        amir Mohtarami Akbar amini
        Today, e-commerce is rapidly expanding as a way of doing business in the modern world due to its advantages and benefits. The purpose of this study is to extract dimensions and criteria for providing electronic trust arrangements in B2C services, improving the internal More
        Today, e-commerce is rapidly expanding as a way of doing business in the modern world due to its advantages and benefits. The purpose of this study is to extract dimensions and criteria for providing electronic trust arrangements in B2C services, improving the internal processes of the business environment, and also determining the importance and priority of each criterion to ensure electronic trust in order to gain the trust and satisfaction of the customer. A mixed method of research is employed includes: litrature review, field study and opinion gathering alongside of statistical techniques. The statistical population includes all expert customers of online stores in the city of Tehran, among which random sampling has been done. Questions in the context of the electronic trust and provision of e-business services and their priority in relation to each other, are discussed through inferential statistics. The results of the data analysis show that there is a meaningful relationship between the 12 criteria identified and customer's trust. The results obtained in the context of the conceptual framework show the impact of three dimensions of psychological, technical and legal, according to the criteria and indicators of electronic trust Manuscript profile