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        1 - Verb Aspect in persian Language: Features and Functions
        مریم  مجیدی
        Aspect is considered a structural and semantic feature of verbs. P. Natel Khanlari was the first grammarian who introduced it to Persian grammar, describing the properties of verbs in the ancient Persian. Then it was widely used by others in writing the grammar of the More
        Aspect is considered a structural and semantic feature of verbs. P. Natel Khanlari was the first grammarian who introduced it to Persian grammar, describing the properties of verbs in the ancient Persian. Then it was widely used by others in writing the grammar of the standard Farsi. Recently, many books and articles devoted lines or pages to clarify some of its features. However, it has been researched insufficiently, and in most cases under confusing terminologies. As a person who has taught Persian grammar for years, I can claim that the students of Farsi Language and Literature don’t make any distinctions between Aspect, Time, and Mood; they have no idea of different aspects of verbs and their functions. This article is an attempt to explore and explain grammatical features of Aspect in modern Farsi language, and its different types. Manuscript profile