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        1 - Infallibility from Allame Tabatabai's point of view
        Abbas  Asad Abadi
        This writing is intended to discuss the issue of the prophets' infallibility from the point of view of Allamah Taba'-e-Baha'i, centered on the interpretation of the meaning of Al-Mizan, and the explanation and implications of this great Imam's commentator in this regard More
        This writing is intended to discuss the issue of the prophets' infallibility from the point of view of Allamah Taba'-e-Baha'i, centered on the interpretation of the meaning of Al-Mizan, and the explanation and implications of this great Imam's commentator in this regard. This great commentator has followed the question of infallibility: one from the point of view of the implications of the Qur'anic verses and the other Which has been raised with the distortion of the signification of the verses concerning the infallibility of the prophets. Consideration of the Prophet Taba'tabi verses: Fath: 1 and 2, toubah: 32, p. 82 and 83, nesa` : 64, ahzaab : 33, anbiah: 27-26, signification It is clear on the verses of the prophets that some of the verses mentioned have been mentioned or other verses for negating and defamation of infallibility. Manuscript profile