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        1 - Mineral chemistry of clinopyroxene, an approach to petrogenesis of Saray Volcanic Complex–Northwest of Iran
        M.  Ghaderi N. Amel M. Moayyed
        Saray volcano is an extinct volcano and is located in the east of Urmia Lake. This volcano mainly consists of Leucititic lava flows and their related pyroclastic materials forming a Sequence which repeated more than five times. Leucite phonolitic dykes, Lamprophyric (Mi More
        Saray volcano is an extinct volcano and is located in the east of Urmia Lake. This volcano mainly consists of Leucititic lava flows and their related pyroclastic materials forming a Sequence which repeated more than five times. Leucite phonolitic dykes, Lamprophyric (Minette, Monchiquite and Spessartite) lavas and dykes, Trachytic domes and dykes, Syenitic dykes and a small syenitic stock are other rock types of Saray volcano. Since clinopyroxene is present in all rock types of this volcano, mineral chemistry study of clinopyroxenes in all rock types of Saray volcano, could help us to explain the relationship between different rock types. Clinopyroxenes of Saray volcano have diopside, salite and fassaite compositions. The majority of studied clinopyroxenes crystallize under 3-4 kb pressure and 1150 centigrade temperature. Tectono-magmatically speaking, these clinopyroxenes were mostly formed within plate basalts. Although the composition of rock types of Saray volcano is very different, almost constant composition of clinopyroxene in all rock types, show the same origin for all clinopyroxenes. However, it can be concluded that all rock types have the same origin. Manuscript profile