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        1 - Diagenesis, microfacies and determination of original carbonate mineralogy of the Asmari Formation in the southern flank of Rig anticline
         Kakemem hamid mirmohammadsadeghi
        The aim of this study is to recognize diagenetic processes, microfacies and geochemical evidence for original carbonate mineralogy of Oligocene- Miocene Asmari limestone deposited in the Rig anticline at Rig mountain oil field. In this area, the Asmari Formation with a More
        The aim of this study is to recognize diagenetic processes, microfacies and geochemical evidence for original carbonate mineralogy of Oligocene- Miocene Asmari limestone deposited in the Rig anticline at Rig mountain oil field. In this area, the Asmari Formation with a thickness of 364 m have been exposed as a sequence of thin, medium, thick, and massive carbonate rocks. Twelve microfacies types have been distinguished on the basis of depositional textures, petrographic analysis and fauna. These carbonate microfacies belong to four major sub-environments including tidal flat, lagoon, bar/ shoal, and open marine. Absence of turbidite deposits, reefal belt and gradual changes in facies indicated that the Asmari Formation was deposited in a homoclinal carbonate ramp environment. The main diagenetic processes includes: dolomitization, cementation, micritization, dissolution, and compaction. Petrographic evidence and variation of major and minor element and compare this information with modern aragonite warm water and calcitic cool to cold temperate carbonate and originally aragonite mineralogy of Ordovician sub-tropical carbonate, the calcite mineralogy of Permian sub-polar cold water of Tasmania, the Upper Jurassic aragonite Mozduran limestone, the Ilam carbonate formation, and the Fahliyan Formation indicate that original carbonate mineralogy was aragonite in the Asmari Formation. High Sr/Na ratio suggests original aragonite mineralogy. Variation of Sr and Na values versus Mn confirm replacement of aragonite by calcite during the two stages of diagenetic stabilization. The bivariate plot of Sr/Ca versus Mn shows that Asmari limestone have been influenced by meteoric diagenesis in a closed to semi-closed diagenetic system. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Sedimentological studies and Petrophysical interpretation: An approach to reservoir characterization of Sarvak formation in the Dalpari oil field
        علی اصغر عنایتی
        The Ilam and Sarvak Formations of Bangestan Grouop are the second important potential reservoirs after Asmari formation in the zagros basin. Integration of petrographical factors and Petrophysical parameters resulted in better understanding of reservoir qualities of More
        The Ilam and Sarvak Formations of Bangestan Grouop are the second important potential reservoirs after Asmari formation in the zagros basin. Integration of petrographical factors and Petrophysical parameters resulted in better understanding of reservoir qualities of these formations. In this study , 250 thin sections were collected and subjected to microfacies and petrography studies. As a result eight microfacies from three sedimentary environments were identified: Lagoonal (L1 ,L2 ,L3),Barrier (B1 ,B2) and Open marine (O1 ,O2 ,O3) and in three different of digenetic environments such as marine, meteoric and burial. This Study shows Sarvak Formation is being formed on Carbonate Rimmed shelf platform. Petrophysical interpretations by using of IP software shows Sarvak reservoir is divided into 3 zones (4, 5, 6). This study reveals that zone 4 contains the best reservoir quality in compare with the others by having (17m) oil column. porosity (more than 8%) and water saturation less than(14%) in this field. There is also decreasing of water saturation in Pay zone 4, but no significant changes has been observed through out zones 5&6. In zone 4, shale volume increases in zones 5&6 (Vsh more than 25%). Crossplot K-Th and K-Pe reveals that Chlorite_Montmorilonite are the dominant clay minerals in this reservoir. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Sedimentological studies and Petrophysical interpretation: An approach to reservoir characterization of Sarvak formation in the Dalpari oil field
        Abolhasan Ahan kar Abolhasan Ahan kar
        The Ilam and Sarvak Formations of Bangestan Grouop are the second important potential reservoirs after Asmari formation in the zagros basin. Integration of petrographical factors and Petrophysical parameters resulted in better understanding of reservoir qualities of t More
        The Ilam and Sarvak Formations of Bangestan Grouop are the second important potential reservoirs after Asmari formation in the zagros basin. Integration of petrographical factors and Petrophysical parameters resulted in better understanding of reservoir qualities of these formations. In this study , 250 thin sections were collected and subjected to microfacies and petrography studies. As a result eight microfacies from three sedimentary environments were identified: Lagoonal (L1 ,L2 ,L3),Barrier (B1 ,B2) and Open marine (O1 ,O2 ,O3) and in three different of digenetic environments such as marine, meteoric and burial. This Study shows Sarvak Formation is being formed on Carbonate Rimmed shelf platform. Petrophysical interpretations by using of IP software shows Sarvak reservoir is divided into 3 zones (4, 5, 6). This study reveals that zone 4 contains the best reservoir quality in compare with the others by having (17m) oil column. porosity (more than 8%) and water saturation less than(14%) in this field. There is also decreasing of water saturation in Pay zone 4, but no significant changes has been observed through out zones 5&6. In zone 4, shale volume increases in zones 5&6 (Vsh more than 25%). Crossplot K-Th and K-Pe reveals that Chlorite_Montmorilonite are the dominant clay minerals in this reservoir. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Interpretation of sedimentary environment and factors affecting reservoir quality in upper Sarvak Formation in one the oil fields of Abadan plain
        Mohammad Hossein Saberi Bahman Zarenezhad الهام  اسدی Nasim Rahmani
        The Sarvak Formation of the Albian-Turonian Formation is one of the most important hydrocarbon reservoirs in south and southwest of Iran. In this study, in order to assess the reservoir quality, from a petrographic study and porosity and permeability data, an important More
        The Sarvak Formation of the Albian-Turonian Formation is one of the most important hydrocarbon reservoirs in south and southwest of Iran. In this study, in order to assess the reservoir quality, from a petrographic study and porosity and permeability data, an important well in one of the oil fields of Abadan plain has been used. Based on microscopic studies, 13 microfacies have been identified in the form of Four facies tidal flat, lagoon, shoal and open marine for Sarvak Formation deposits in the studied oil field, indicating that the upper part of the Sarvak Formation is deposited in a homoclinal carbonate ramp. Among the identified diagenetic processes, dissolution, cementation, dolomitization, fracturing, compaction, neomorphism, micritization, bioturbation, pyritization, hematitization, phosphatization and silicification are mentioned. Diagenetic processes of Sarvak Formation occurred in three marine, meteoric and burial environments. Among the dissolution and fracturing diagenetic processes, the most important role has been in increasing the reservoir quality, and cementation and compaction have been the most important factors in reducing reservoir quality. Sequence stratigraphy studies identified third order sedimentary sequences of the age of Turonian, Late Cenomanian, and Middle Cenomanian, and studied the facies and diagenetic processes within its framework. Correlation of porosity and permeability data of the core showed that the reservoir quality in this formation was influenced by facies and diagenetic processes. So that the microfacies containing the rudist have the highest reservoir quality. Due to the diagenetic processes, sedimentary and porosity and permeability data, the facies shoal and open marine to the land have the best reservoir quality. Manuscript profile