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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Children's Rights to Education in International Human Rights Documents
        Marzieh Hojaji Najaf Abadi Massimo Papa
        Children's rights, as part of the human rights debate, focus on protecting and supporting children and achieving their basic rights. Human rights are the inherent rights of all human beings. Children also have the same rights without discrimination. The main purpose of More
        Children's rights, as part of the human rights debate, focus on protecting and supporting children and achieving their basic rights. Human rights are the inherent rights of all human beings. Children also have the same rights without discrimination. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the right to education of children and to study it in international documents. An analytical approach has been used to achieve this goal. The main focus of this analysis is the Convention on the Rights of the Child as the most important document in the field of child rights, related articles on the Child’s education right, other international human rights instruments, the position of education in the international human rights system, the Declaration of Human Rights and Islamic Declaration of Human Rights. Therefore, recognizing the right to education for children in the human rights system will require the support and commitment of governments to provide children with access to appropriate educational facilities. The Declaration of the Rights of the Child incorporates the broad concept of the child as the right holder. The four basic principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child can be: 1. The principle of non-discrimination and the guarantee of the rights of the Convention for all children without any discrimination; 2. The priority of the interests of the child in any law and regulations affecting the child; 3. The right to life, survival and development of children and adolescents; 4. The right to have children's views and opinions at all stages of their decision-making. In this international instrument, Articles 28 and 29 recognize the right to education in children and this right has been enshrined in equal opportunities. Another international human rights instrument, especially in the field of children and the right to education of children, is the Human Rights Declaration of 1948. Article 26 recognizes the right to education of children and everyone has the right to equal access to education and access. It also sees education as guiding the human personality with good understanding, forgiveness and respect for different beliefs. This analysis, on the one hand, represents the belief in the inherent dignity of children and the "human personality" without any discrimination on the basis of issues of gender, color, opinion, ethnicity and religion, and on the other hand, emphasizes the principle is to protect children and to recognize their fundamental rights. The right to education as a human rights principle in the field of children, including the right to access to education, the right to quality and standard education, respect for the human dignity and dignity of the child, non-discrimination education at all stages of childhood, access to educational opportunities and equality of opportunity in education. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Children’s Rights in the Urban Rights in Light of Convention on the Rights of the Child
        Shahram Salami Mohammad Mazhari
        Development of urbanization in the world has made the states confront various challenges in realm of certain rights of citizens, especially children, as far as they need more attention than other citizens concerning their special developmental conditions. However, not o More
        Development of urbanization in the world has made the states confront various challenges in realm of certain rights of citizens, especially children, as far as they need more attention than other citizens concerning their special developmental conditions. However, not only the cities are not designed based on the needs of children, they do not offer the least rights to them. Convention on the Rights of the Child is certainly the main legal document for children. Children benefit from different rights that are reflected in the convention on the rights of children; however, this study intends to answer this question that, “What are the rights of children in the urban right area?” The necessity of identifying the children rights in the urban rights is important on that as one of the main pillars of the society, children are mostly subject to most social, economic, health and educational threats and losses. Moreover, as far as identification of the rights of children in cities is emergent at international arena, particularly in Iran, and concerning the efforts of international organizations such as UNISEF on promotion of these rights, the city managers and policymakers are expected to carry out the required action in this area. Based on this, the present study seeks to explain the main rights of children in cities such as non-discrimination, the right of children with disabilities, public hearing, benefiting social security, the right to health, education and playing and pleasure through investigating various economic, social and cultural areas that are effective on the children rights in urban area by collecting data through library method and descriptive-analytical data analysis. It is concluded that although appropriate theoretical actions have been taken by urban institution in Iran, it is obvious that there is a great gap in practice to make children achieve desired status. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Protection of Children from Violence in The Context of International Instruments
        Arian Petoft
        Because in preadolescence and adolescence, various physical and mental dimensions of the child are being formed and developed, childhood is the most sensitive and influential period of each person's life. Therefore, maintaining and guaranteeing the growth and physical a More
        Because in preadolescence and adolescence, various physical and mental dimensions of the child are being formed and developed, childhood is the most sensitive and influential period of each person's life. Therefore, maintaining and guaranteeing the growth and physical and mental health of the child is very important. Children should never experience domestic and social violence, and this is at the heart of international directives. Current international law obliges governments to protect all children from all forms of violence. Violence against children knows no bounds, and today it transcends race, class, religion, and culture, and there are children in all countries of the world who are always exposed to fear and experience of violence. In any case, this article is an attempt to provide a comprehensive answer to the question of what are the most important legal protections of international instruments, especially the Convention and the Declaration against Cases of Violence against Children. Thus, the present study step by step identifies and explains the most important fundamental rights of children in the context of international law. Manuscript profile