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        1 - Magma mixing in Dehe Bala granodiorites and their mafic enclaves, SW of Boein Zahra: Evidence for I type calc-alkaline magmatism from both lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources
        Zeynab Gharamohammadi Fatemeh  Najmi
        Dehe Bala granodioritic pluton with an E-W trend is exposed approximately 45 km south-west of Boein Zahra town, Qazvin province. This pluton includes several mafic microgranular enclaves (MMES) with diorite and quartz monzodiorite in composition. The ellipsoidal and rou More
        Dehe Bala granodioritic pluton with an E-W trend is exposed approximately 45 km south-west of Boein Zahra town, Qazvin province. This pluton includes several mafic microgranular enclaves (MMES) with diorite and quartz monzodiorite in composition. The ellipsoidal and rounded enclaves with 2 to 30 cm in sizes have been scattered in host granodiorites. The enclaves commonly have a sharp contact with the host granodiorites. Textural evidence indicative of disequilibrium condition, include plagioclase with oscillatory zoning and repeated resorption surfaces, acicular apatite and quartz ocelli as chemical and/or thermal changes in the melt during crystal growth and as evidence for occurrence of magma mixing. The enclaves enriched in LILES and LREES and are depleted in HFSES. The SiO2 content of the granodiorite ranges from 64.2 to 66.9 wt%. They are high-k calc-alkaline in composition, displaying a metaluminous character (A/CNK<1.1). Enrichment of incompatible elements such as La, Ce, Rb, Th, K and Nd coupled with negative anomalies of Ti, Ba, Eu, Nb and P implying the role of the lower crust in the formation of the granodioritic magma, but relatively high content of Mg value (0.39 – 0.43) suggest that the granodiorites were generated by mixing of mantle-derived mafic magma with felsic melt derived by partial melting of lower crust. The MMEs are characterized by relatively low contents of SiO2 = 52.8–58.2 wt%, moderate K2O=1.4-3.8 and high Mg (0.4 -0.46). Geochemical features and values of Dy/Yb=1.6 – 1.8 in MMES suggest that enclave magmas were derived by partial melting of the mantle wedge in the spinel–garnet transition zone and they have partially evolved in contact with fusion of crust-derived felsic magmas. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Magma mixing in Dehe Bala granodiorites and their mafic enclaves, SW of Boein Zahra: Evidence for I type calc-alkaline magmatism from both lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources
        Zeynab  Gharamohammadi علی  کنعانیان Mohsen Zargham
        Dehe Bala granodioritic pluton with an E-W trend is exposed approximately 45 km south-west of Boein Zahra town, Qazvin province. This pluton includes several mafic microgranular enclaves (MMES) with diorite and quartz monzodiorite in composition. The ellipsoidal and rou More
        Dehe Bala granodioritic pluton with an E-W trend is exposed approximately 45 km south-west of Boein Zahra town, Qazvin province. This pluton includes several mafic microgranular enclaves (MMES) with diorite and quartz monzodiorite in composition. The ellipsoidal and rounded enclaves with 2 to 30 cm in sizes have been scattered in host granodiorites. The enclaves commonly have a sharp contact with the host granodiorites. Textural evidence indicative of disequilibrium condition, include plagioclase with oscillatory zoning and repeated resorption surfaces, acicular apatite and quartz ocelli as chemical and/or thermal changes in the melt during crystal growth and as evidence for occurrence of magma mixing. The enclaves enriched in LILES and LREES and are depleted in HFSES. The SiO2 content of the granodiorite ranges from 64.2 to 66.9 wt%. They are high-k calc-alkaline in composition, displaying a metaluminous character (A/CNK<1.1). Enrichment of incompatible elements such as La, Ce, Rb, Th, K and Nd coupled with negative anomalies of Ti, Ba, Eu, Nb and P implying the role of the lower crust in the formation of the granodioritic magma, but relatively high content of Mg value (0.39 – 0.43) suggest that the granodiorites were generated by mixing of mantle-derived mafic magma with felsic melt derived by partial melting of lower crust. The MMEs are characterized by relatively low contents of SiO2 = 52.8–58.2 wt%, moderate K2O=1.4-3.8 and high Mg (0.4 -0.46). Geochemical features and values of Dy/Yb=1.6 – 1.8 in MMES suggest that enclave magmas were derived by partial melting of the mantle wedge in the spinel–garnet transition zone and they have partially evolved in contact with fusion of crust-derived felsic magmas. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Tectonomagmatic setting of the Eocene volcanic rocks in Ahovan area (Semnan)
        Maryam Alipour Morteza Khalatbari-Jafari Mohsen Pourkermani Sedigheh Etesami Ali Sorbi
        Petrology and tectonomagmatic setting of the Eocene volcanic rocks exposed in the Ahovan area, east of Semnan are presented and discussed. The studied rocks include basic-intermediate and acidic volcanic lavas and dikes, accompanied by intercalations of nummulite-bearin More
        Petrology and tectonomagmatic setting of the Eocene volcanic rocks exposed in the Ahovan area, east of Semnan are presented and discussed. The studied rocks include basic-intermediate and acidic volcanic lavas and dikes, accompanied by intercalations of nummulite-bearing limestone, shallow water deposits, hyaloclastite and hyaloclastic breccia. The basic-intermediate lavas are exposed at the base and the rhyolitic and andesitic lavas are exposed at the top of the volcanic series, all of which may be attributed to a bimodal volcanism. It seems that Eocene volcanic activity occurred in shallow water to subaerial environments. Based on petrographical investigations, the volcanic lavas show basaltic, basaltic andesitic, andesitic, dacitic, rhyolitic and acidic tuffs compositions. The lavas have phyric to aphyric textures. The phyric lavas include plagioclase, augite and hornblend phenocrysts. They show microlitic, microcrystalline and intergranular groundmass in dikes. Disrupted zoning and sieve texture in plagioclase phenocrysts and heterogeneous groundmass might be interpreted by magma mixing. Study of the geochemical analyses, indicates high-k calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmatic trends in the Ahovan area. Trace and REE spider diagrams, normalized with standard values, display enrichment of LILE and clear depletion of Nb and Ti. In tectonomagmatic diagrams, these samples plot in the arc field which tends toward an initial extensional back arc envirenment. It appears that partial melting of adjusted mantle wedge above a subducted slab provided the parental magma which was enriched by fluids-melt released from partial melting of the subducted slab. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Tectono-magmatic setting of diabase and basalt flows in north Makran ophiolite, southeast of Iran
        Azizollah Bazzi Mohammad Mahdi Khatib Mohammadhosein Zarrinkoub
        The north Makran ophiolite in southeast of Iran, as a part of Tethyan ophiolites, is located between Lut and Bajkan-Durkan continental blocks. Among the rocks of this ophiolite sequence, diabase and basalt flows are present more abundant in the outcrops in the eastern p More
        The north Makran ophiolite in southeast of Iran, as a part of Tethyan ophiolites, is located between Lut and Bajkan-Durkan continental blocks. Among the rocks of this ophiolite sequence, diabase and basalt flows are present more abundant in the outcrops in the eastern part of the studied north Makran ophiolite. Structural, petrographic and geochemical evidences suggest distinct geodynamic setting for the formation of these rocks. Based on geochemical characteristics, diabase and basalts fall into two groups: In the first group, tholeiitic diabase and basalt flows represent MORB-like affinity, and the second group include calc-alkaline basaltic to dacitic lavas with arc environment and supra-subduction affinities. These two lava types represent two major magmatic events: 1) MORB-type magmatism resulted from Early Cretaceous rifting/opening between two continental blocks and resulted in the formation of tholeiitic diabase and basalt. LREE enrichment, low La/Yb and relatively high U/Th ratios suggest continental influence in their melt source, and 2) subduction-related magmatism, that formed calc-alkaline basaltic, andesitic and dacitic lavas in Late Cretaceous. LILE, LREE enrichment, Nb and Ta negative anomaly, low TiO2 concentrations and relatively high Ce/Pb ratio document subduction influence in their composition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Petrology of Oigocene volcanic rocks in the Deh Tah area, south of Dehuk, Lut Block
        Morteza Khalatbari نرمین بانه ای Mohammad فریدی
        The study area in the south of Deh Tah, Lut Block comprise Oligocene volcanic rocks which are composed of andesite, trachyandesite, dacite and rhyolite. These lavas have porphyric to porphyritic textures with abundant amphibole phenocrysts. Most of the Oligocene lavas d More
        The study area in the south of Deh Tah, Lut Block comprise Oligocene volcanic rocks which are composed of andesite, trachyandesite, dacite and rhyolite. These lavas have porphyric to porphyritic textures with abundant amphibole phenocrysts. Most of the Oligocene lavas display calck alkaline to high-K calck alkaline magmatic affinities. In the binary diagrams, the andesitic to trachyandesitic samples cluster far away from the trachydacitic, dacitic and rhyolitic samples suggesting that they were not afftected only by magmatic differentiation. The REE patterns and spider diagrams show enrichement in light ion litophile element (LILE) and hight field strength element (HFSE) depletion. The normalized patterns of the andesite to trachyandsite have a reliable overlap with oceanic island basalt (OIB). The patterns of the acidic lavas are correlated with the patterns of continental crust. These geochemical evidence indicate that the andesitic to trachyandesitic lavas are generated from partial melting of lithospheric mantle which previously metasomatized by subduction components (melt-fluids). Partial melting of the continental crust has an important role in generation of the acidic lavas. Based on geological setting and geochemical data, it seems that the Oligocene volcanic rocks formed in a post-collision zone, due to thinning of the continental lithosphere in Lut Block. This process is probably related to lithospheric delamination which occurs in a post-collisional zone in Lut Block, as a part of the Alpine-Hymalaya orogenic belt. Manuscript profile