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        1 - Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Asmari Formation at Tang-e Shivi, north-west flank of Nowdan Anticline in north of Kazerun (Interior Fars) and age correlation with three another sections in Costal Fars and Izeh Zone
        ٍٍElahe Sattari
        Abstract In this research, the Asmari Formation΄s benthic foraminifera at Tang-e Shivi north-western flank of Nowdan Anticline in north of Kazerun (Interior Fars), with geographic coordinates E: 51° 44' 58'' and N: 29° 47' 42'', have been studied in order to introduce More
        Abstract In this research, the Asmari Formation΄s benthic foraminifera at Tang-e Shivi north-western flank of Nowdan Anticline in north of Kazerun (Interior Fars), with geographic coordinates E: 51° 44' 58'' and N: 29° 47' 42'', have been studied in order to introduce assemblage zones, age and paleoecology and correlate the age of the Asmari Formation with sections in Costal Fars and Izeh Zone (Firozabad, Dill, Shagabil). Its upper and lower boundaries are comfortable with Gachsaran and Pabdeh formations. Three assemblage zones at the studied section were recognized based on benthic foraminifera and biostratigraphy study. Detected biozones reflect Oligocene (Rupelian and Chattian) and Miocene (Aquitanian) age for this studied deposits with 348 meters thickness. Assemblage zone 1, with Firozabad section and assemblage zone 2 with 3 other sections and assemblage zone 3 with Dill anticline are correlatable. Environmental parameters such as: salinity, light, nutrients, temperature and depth, have played a role concerning the distribution of foraminifera. Accordingly, the Asmari Formation deposited in a normal salinity to hyper salinity water, aphotic to euphotic and oligophy to eutrophy zones. Grain supported microfacies (O4, O5, B, L1, L2, L4, L5 and L7), support reservoir quality for the Asmari Formation in subsurface areas, next to the studies section. The carbonate grain association types of the study section are nanofer, rodalgal, foralgal and foramol. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Asmari Formation in north flank of Khami anticline (north of Gachsaran)
        Mona Rahim Abadi Hossein Vaziri-Moghaddam Ali Seyrafian farzad Sotohian
        In the present study, biostratigraphy, microfacies and sedimentary environment of the Asmari Formation in north flank of the Khami anticline in the north of the Gachsaran province is investigated. The Asmari Formation at the study section with a thickness of 276 meters More
        In the present study, biostratigraphy, microfacies and sedimentary environment of the Asmari Formation in north flank of the Khami anticline in the north of the Gachsaran province is investigated. The Asmari Formation at the study section with a thickness of 276 meters is a thin, medium and thick to massive limestone, nodular limestone, marl, marly limestone, dolomite and dolomitic limestone. In this study 166 thin sections are studied and 23 genera and 24 species of foraminifera have been identified and 3 biozones are introduced. 1- Archaias asmaricus-Archaias hensoni-Miogypsinoides complanatus Assemblage zone. (Chattian) 2- Indeterminate zone (Aqutanian) 3- Borelis melo curdica-Borelis melo melo Assemblage zone. (Burdigalian) Thus, the age of the Asmari Formation at the study area is Chattian to Burdigalian (Oligo-Miocene). Based on study of thin sections and by considering the sediment texture, distribution of skeletal and non-skeletal grains, 12 microfacies are recognized which were deposited in open marine, bar, semi-restricted and restricted lagoon. Four platform types for the Asmari Formation at the study area in comparison with the recent studies on Asmari Formation including: 1-Rupelian-lower Chattian: Distally steepend ramp, 2-middle Chattian-upper Chattian: open shelf, 3-Aqiutanian: homoclinal ramp, 4-lower Burdigalian: carbonate platform. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Biocorrelation, Biostratigraphy and determination basal of the Aptian stage at Tirgan Formation , west of Kopeh-Dagh sedimentary basin, NE Iran
        Atefeh Chenarani Meysam Shafiee Ardestani Mohammad Vahidinia
        Tirgan Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the Kopeh-Dagh sedimentary basin consists mainly of Oolitic, Orbitolina, dolomitic limestones that conformably overlies the Shurijeh and Sarcheshmeh formations, respectively. Upper contact of Tirgan Formation at Jozak section with More
        Tirgan Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the Kopeh-Dagh sedimentary basin consists mainly of Oolitic, Orbitolina, dolomitic limestones that conformably overlies the Shurijeh and Sarcheshmeh formations, respectively. Upper contact of Tirgan Formation at Jozak section with Abderaz Formation is faulty and were placed under white chalky limestone of the Abderaz Formation. Two stratigraphic sections at Estarkhi and Jozak were measured and sampled. Biostratigraphicic studies lead to two benthic foraminifera and calcareous green algae fossil assemblages have been identified. Twenty one genera and 24 species of benthic foraminifera and 16 genera and 26 species of calcareous green alge at Estarkhi section, 21 genera and 26 species of benthic foraminifera and 10 genera and 10 species of calcareous green alge at Jozak section in west of Kopeh-Dagh sedimentary basin have been identified. This study has been suggested the Barremian- Early Aptian( Bedulian) stage for the Tirgan Formation at these localities that is corresponded with age of central and east basin. Also based on paleobio-events study were determined base of the Aptian stage in east of the kopeh-Dagh sedimentary basin base of FA(First Appearance) Dictyoconus pachymarginalis and LA(Last Appearance) Montseciella arabica and in center and west of the basin base of the FAs Palorbitolina lenticularis, Salpingoporella muehlbergii. Manuscript profile