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        1 - Syria's Strategic Position on Russia's Confrontation with America
        hamid dorj Ail  Bagheri Dolatabadi
        Syria is one of the countries that has a particular geopolitical and geo-strategic importance in Russian Middle East policy. Today, with the emergence of the political crisis in Syria, this country has become a geopolitical divide and rivalry between the two countries, More
        Syria is one of the countries that has a particular geopolitical and geo-strategic importance in Russian Middle East policy. Today, with the emergence of the political crisis in Syria, this country has become a geopolitical divide and rivalry between the two countries, the US and Russia, each playing a role in their own interests and goals.The main question of the present research is that the reasons for Syria's strategic importance in Russia's opposition to the United States? And why does Russia support Bashar al-Assad? The main hypothesis of the study is that in the US and Russia's competitions, Syria is the last winner of Moscow to maintain its regional power and stay in the major powers' jirga; therefore, Assad's defeat and overthrow of power decline in Moscow It leaves. According to the geopolitical position of Syria in the region and its strategic importance in international equations, Moscow is trying to preserve the Syrian political system by using various instruments (political, military, ...), play the most role in the future of Syria;In order to maintain the overall structure and order in the region, and to prevent the spread of Western interference and influence, especially in the United States. The preceeding article is formulated using a descriptive-analytic method and within the framework of an invasive realism theory. Manuscript profile