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        1 - The Relationship Between Sophia and Ṣūfī in Ancient Texts and Sources Based on Bīrūnī’s Narrative
        Hojjatullah  Askarizadeh
        This paper concerns the narrative by Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī, the prominent scientist of the world of Islam, of the unity between Sophia and Ṣūfī as an introduction to the discussion of the truth of wisdom and philosophy in ancient texts. Most modern researchers do not see More
        This paper concerns the narrative by Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī, the prominent scientist of the world of Islam, of the unity between Sophia and Ṣūfī as an introduction to the discussion of the truth of wisdom and philosophy in ancient texts. Most modern researchers do not see any relationship between Ṣūfī and the Greek Sophia and believe that Ṣūfī is lexically related to such words as wool and woolen garments. In fact, they deny the relationship of Greek philosophy and Sophia with Sufism and Ṣūfī. Here, the author has tried to explore the origin of philosophy and wisdom of ancient Greece based on ancient sources in order to view Greek Sophia from another perspective. This study mainly begins with the relationship between Greek Sophia and Ṣūfī based on al-Bīrūnī’s narrative; however, its main purpose is to speak of the truth of philosophy and wisdom and their origin based on ancient texts. Such sources establish a specific connection between the distinguished philosopher of various ethnic groups in Iran, Greece, and India, as well as between gnostics and Ṣūfīs. Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī’s words concerning the relationship between Sophia and Ṣūfī provide a number of solid proofs in this regard in ancient texts and sources. The root of the unity of Greek Sophia and Ṣūfī in the Islamic world goes beyond the history of post-Islam Sufism. It should be, in fact, sought in the historical development of wisdom originating in the philosophical thoughts of ancient Greece, Iran, and India, the views and beliefs of Harranian, the Magi, Zoroastrians, and Sabians, and their relationship with the divine prophets. Manuscript profile