• List of Articles یونان

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Unknown Works as Sources of Some Ideas In Kashf-ol-Mahjub
        ایمان  منسوب بصیری
        Kashf-ol-Mahjub of Hujwiri is one of the most authoritative ancient sources of the mysticism in Persian literature. So it might be useful in searching for the unknown sources influential in forming Persian-Islamic mysticism, which have mostly been used by the author wit More
        Kashf-ol-Mahjub of Hujwiri is one of the most authoritative ancient sources of the mysticism in Persian literature. So it might be useful in searching for the unknown sources influential in forming Persian-Islamic mysticism, which have mostly been used by the author without mentioning them since during the translation movement, mainly from Greek into Arabic, the exact titles or authors of most translated works were ignored, and remained unknown for Muslim writers. This was because, traditionally, ancient authors rarely mentioned the source of their citation. This resulted in the fact that some considered the second author the true owner of the quotation. In this article, introducing the sources of some phrases used in this book, we have tried to show the common sources in forming Islamic and Christian mysticism and to investigate their traces in Kashf-ol-Mahjub. Clearly, it might be the case that association of ideas has developed common thoughts between these two cultures. It is hard to render every similar idea to adaptation, or a direct influence of one on the other. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Polis-based Thinking and the conditions of possibility of the Greek Political Philosophy's Procreation
        What is necessary to understand the procreation of Greek political thought and it's flourishing and development in the fourth century BC, is contemplating on "polis" category and its place in the concrete life of ancient Greeks. We will take into account, Plato and Aris More
        What is necessary to understand the procreation of Greek political thought and it's flourishing and development in the fourth century BC, is contemplating on "polis" category and its place in the concrete life of ancient Greeks. We will take into account, Plato and Aristotle’s attempts as prototypes of the classical political philosophy in the course of discussing polis and its implications, and thereby try to articulate arguments in favor of principal thesis in which Plato's political philosophy and Aristotle's one, in spite of some individual inconsistencies in political thought-those related to their distinct metaphysics- but at the end of the day, they should be considered as a polis-oriented thinking. In the other words, by analyzing Greek political philosophy from a general point of view, sometimes we can grasp some insights that sometimes diminished under the haphazard and detailed commentaries. Perhaps we can exploit this phrase so that "agreement between the ideas of the two philosophers" is more plausible from Greek political thought’s individual elements point of view than metaphysical one. In this article through the extension of this study to the philosophers’ works of Greek period, We attempt to show that polis-based thinking as a dominant pattern in the contemplating on "the political" affairs, have been survived in the mental world of the Greek philosophers, even at the period of Hellenism in which the actual context of its premier procreation had been perished. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Doxography Tradition of Ancient Greek Philosophers (with Reference to Hermann Diels’ View)
        Hossein  Kalbasi Ashtari Behnaz  Aqili Dehkordi
        In the sixth century BC, pre-Socratic philosophers introduced different research methods in the realms of science and philosophy, wrote the first scientific treatises, and presented the basic concepts in the process of deduction. However, we do not have access to any of More
        In the sixth century BC, pre-Socratic philosophers introduced different research methods in the realms of science and philosophy, wrote the first scientific treatises, and presented the basic concepts in the process of deduction. However, we do not have access to any of their independent works except for some extracts which have been quoted in the works of post-Socratic scholars. Nevertheless, this method lacks the required efficiency in understanding and evaluating the words of pre-Socratic scientists at all times. Hermann Alexander Diels presented a new method of doxography in his book of Doxographi Graeci (Greek Doxographers). He returned the tradition of doxography to the one adopted in a book by Theophrastus, who was a student of Aristotle. Diels’ method was criticized by later scientists, such as Mansfield. Based on his critique, the effects of Sufists’ ideas, Aristotle’s theory of edited collections and books of principles, tradition of genealogy writing, and commentators’ glosses on the formation of doxographical texts have not been much appreciated in Diels’ method. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Historical Roots of the Concept and Referent of Prime Matter and the First Emanated in Greek Philosophy
        ali haghi Abbas  Javareshkian Hossein   Bulkhari Ghahi
        Undoubtedly, the history of philosophy follows a continuous and successive process of development in the course of human life. Although inventions and new problems and topics have always been witnessed and warmly welcomed in this field, they have never interrupted the c More
        Undoubtedly, the history of philosophy follows a continuous and successive process of development in the course of human life. Although inventions and new problems and topics have always been witnessed and warmly welcomed in this field, they have never interrupted the continuous process of development of thought in the realm of philosophy. In fact, philosophy, which is the most illuminating dimension of human intellection on the history of thoughts, is responsible for the rational explanation of the most important issues in human life. Undoubtedly, one of the most important of all of them is clarifying the relationship between the Creator or Maker of the world and existents and creatures. Now, if we consider the rise of philosophy in Greece as a crucial event in the history of philosophy, the quality of the philosophical approach to prime matter and, then, the issue of the first emanated are viewed as two of the most significant and fascinating topics in this field. Following an analytic approach, the writers have tried to study the historical background of the first emanated in the history of Islamic philosophy (intellect as the first creation) with reference to Greek philosophy in this regard. The writers assume that the history of philosophy in Islamic civilization has been developed by deliberating over some Greek thoughts and has established the foundation of its own philosophical structure through a profound review of philosophical resources, such as the Qur’an and traditions, as the absolute center of this enterprise. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Elements and Place of the Concept of Techne in Greek Ancient Philosophy with Reference to Heidegger’s View
        Hassan  Mehrnia Hossein  Latifi Mahdi  Zakeri
        One of the significant and influential aspects of the philosophy of technology is the historical background of the concepts related to this field in the words of the writers and thinkers of ancient Greece. Among such concepts, the concept of techne, in the sense of tech More
        One of the significant and influential aspects of the philosophy of technology is the historical background of the concepts related to this field in the words of the writers and thinkers of ancient Greece. Among such concepts, the concept of techne, in the sense of technique, industry, or art, and its place in ancient Greek works is of greater importance. Martin Heidegger was one of the first thinkers who conceived of the study of the concept of techne in ancient Greece as the introduction of a distinct perception of modern technology and held a particular view in this regard. Through the study of three groups of Greek texts, the present paper initially aims to trace the main elements of the concept of techne in the view of ancient Greek writers and thinkers. Second, through investigating Heidegger’s view, it intends to reintroduce the core of his analysis of this problem. Finally, it demonstrates that, firstly, techne is a rich concept, which, given its various elements, was so attractive to Greek thinkers that they used it in their philosophical discussions; secondly, its main elements have been repeated during ancient periods. However, in some periods, due to the existing conditions and views of different thinkers, some of its elements have become more foregrounded. The writers also conclude that reducing the complicated and multi-dimensional concept of techne into a general element does not appear to be correct and accurate. Manuscript profile
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        6 - A Critical Analysis of Henry Corbin’s Thoughts on the Comparison of Suhrawardī’s Philosophy with Greek Philosophy
        Hasan Seyedarab seyedali Alamolhoda Alireza parsa Akhlaghi Marzie
        Henry Corbin is a western commentator of Suhrawardī’s Illuminationist philosophy. His thoughts in relation to interpreting this philosophy are based on t’awīl (hermeneutics), phenomenology, metahistory, and comparative philosophy. The present paper is the first attempt More
        Henry Corbin is a western commentator of Suhrawardī’s Illuminationist philosophy. His thoughts in relation to interpreting this philosophy are based on t’awīl (hermeneutics), phenomenology, metahistory, and comparative philosophy. The present paper is the first attempt at addressing this subject, and it is intended to critically investigate Corbin’s thoughts regarding the comparison of Suhrawardī’s philosophy with those of Plato, Aristotle, and neo-Platonists. Here, the authors have explored Suhrawardī’s innovative ideas so that the differences between them and the thoughts of the above-mentioned philosophers are disclosed. They have also presented a general critique of Corbin’s methodology and its defects in the conclusion. Comparative philosophy, which is sometimes called intercultural philosophy, requires philosophers to deal with various cultural, linguistic, and philosophical trends with an emphasis on the fundamental principles underlying the philosophers’ thoughts and to study the differences and similarities among their views. In Corbin’s view, comparative philosophy has functioned as the gateway of the correct perception of philosophical thoughts in the history of philosophy, and that is why he has compared Illuminationist philosophy with the philosophical views of Plato and Aristotle. He believes that Suhrawardī’s philosophy has been derived from Plato’s views, which seems to have its roots in his idea that the origin of philosophy is Greece. Corbin considers him as the Plato of the world of Islam; however, he ignores Suhrawardī’s innovations, the differences between his philosophy and that of Plato, and his criticism of Aristotle. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A Comparative Study on the Literary Backgrounds in the Formation of Paideia in the Ancient Greece and Doctrinal and Educational Teachings in the Ancient Persia: Emphasizing on Iliad, Odyssey and Shahname
        mohammadhassan mirzamohammadi faride davoudy
        The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare the literary backgrounds of the formation of Paideia in ancient Greece and the implications of doctrinal and educational teachings in the ancient Persia. The main sources are Iliad, Odyssey and Shahname which are s More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare the literary backgrounds of the formation of Paideia in ancient Greece and the implications of doctrinal and educational teachings in the ancient Persia. The main sources are Iliad, Odyssey and Shahname which are studied by the method of analysis (conceptual, documentary, and comparative). At first, the concepts, backgrounds, types and fields of the formation of Paideia in Greece and educational teachings in Persia were examined in terms of physical, artistic, moral, and intellectual dimensions. Then, commonalities and differences between them were extracted. In terms of commonalities, the epic aspects overcome other literary genres. As well, in both cultures, allegory was used in education. In the physical dimension, in the literature of the both cultures, a transcendent human was conceived in terms of a healthy body and a pure spirit. In the moral dimension, humane teachings and examples of chivalry and high ethics were introduced through the stories and epic poems. In the intellectual dimension of the ancient Persia, wisdom was given great importance. In the Greek literature too, the topic of rationality and its ramifications were at issue. This rationality is expressed in terms of the cultural and educational contexts of the two nations, as in Shahnameh, the most significant signs of wisdom are brief and meaningful talk. In the Greek Paideia, the effects of this wisdom are expressed in philosophy. Integrating wisdom and tolerance with people, valuable work, justice, the balance in behavior and life through wisdom are of common aspects in the both cultures. In terms of difference, in the Greek literature, components are more detailed and more functional, and myths are more individualized, while in Persia there were more general teachings and collective myths. In the artistic aspect, we see wider concepts in Persian literature compared to the Greek culture. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Editor's Note
        Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari
        سنجش نسبت ميان فلسفه و فيلسوفان اسلامي با فلسفه و فيلسوفان يوناني و تأثير و تأثر ميان آنها، پيشينه‌يي دراز دارد و احتمالاً تتبّع و گردآوري نگرشها و تحليلها در اين زمينه و طبقه‌بندي نتايج حاصله از آن، خود بتواند موضوعي مستقل ـ و البته پُر ثمر ـ در اين زمينه بشمار آيد. د More
        سنجش نسبت ميان فلسفه و فيلسوفان اسلامي با فلسفه و فيلسوفان يوناني و تأثير و تأثر ميان آنها، پيشينه‌يي دراز دارد و احتمالاً تتبّع و گردآوري نگرشها و تحليلها در اين زمينه و طبقه‌بندي نتايج حاصله از آن، خود بتواند موضوعي مستقل ـ و البته پُر ثمر ـ در اين زمينه بشمار آيد. در قرون اخير و بويژه در خلال اغلب نوشته‌هاي مستشرقان، نگاه و تعبير اخذ و اقتباس حكماي اسلامي از سنت يوناني و يوناني‌مآبي به گرته‌برداري و تقليد و استمرار همه‌جانبه بَدَل شده و در لابلاي انبوهي از گزارشهاي مربوط به دورة ترجمه و فهرستهاي مربوط به شرح و تفسيرهاي صورت گرفته بر آثار افلاطون و ارسطو و نوافلاطونيان، ابتكارات و نوآوريهاي حكيمان مسلمان در مداخل و مسائل فلسفي و مابعدطبيعي كمرنگ و ناچيز انگاشته و حتي ناديده گرفته شده است. علاوه بر اين، استفاده از واژگان مبهم و نادرستي چون «فلسفة عربي» و حتي قرار دادن آن در مقابل اصطلاحات دقيق و عميقي همچون «فلسفة ايراني»، «حكمت خسرواني» و «حكمت مشرقي»، اگر نگوييم ناشي از مقاصد سياسي و دلبستگيهاي ملي‌گرايانه است، دست‌كم ناشي از ناآگاهي نسبت به سير و مسير تطّور فلسفة اسلامي و روح حاكم بر اين سنت عقلي است. اهل نظر و محققان حوزة فلسفة اسلامي بخوبي ميدانند كه نه‌تنها حكمت متعاليه صدرايي و مشارب فلسفي پس از آن، بلكه حتي نظامهاي فلسفي فارابي و ابن‌سينا، به رغم مشابهتهايي در قلمرو معرفت‌شناسي و كيهان‌شناسي و طبيعيات، در قلمروهايي چون هستي‌شناسي، علم‌النفس و معاد، از اساس با فلسفه‌هاي ارسطو و مشائيان متفاوت است. براي نمونه، چگونه ميتوان دغدغة بنيادين فارابي در هماهنگي و تطابق ميان عقل و شرع را به زمينه‌هاي فلسفي و تأملات نظري سنت يوناني و حتي نوافلاطوني پيوند زد؟ يا چگونه ميتوان تقرير استوار و خلاقانة ابن‌سينا درباره علّيت و بويژه عليت فاعلي را مربوط و متأثر از فلسفة ارسطو و اتباع او دانست؟ در مورد اخير، مراجعه به نمط چهارم اشارات و تنبيهات شيخ‌الرئيس براي درك و آگاهي از تمايز و فاصلة وي از اسلاف يونانيش كفايت ميكند. «عليت» بعنوان يكي از اركان مباحث مابعدالطبيعه از يكسو و نقص و كاستي تقرير ارسطوئيان از اين مبحث با تأكيد و تمركز آنان بر علّيت‌ غايي از سوي ديگر، ميزان فاصلة صاحب اشارات را از تمامي صُور مشارب فلسفي قبل از خودش روشن ميسازد. بيترديد، اين مبحث مسبوق به نوعي وجودشناسي مستقل از يونانيان و مشخّصاً بر تمايز ميان «وجود و ماهيت» و «امكان و وجوب» استوار است كه زمينه‌يي در اسلاف يوناني ندارد. نمونه‌هايي از اين دست فراوان است، آنچه از اين جُستار انتظار ميرود، گردآوري و برآورد ابداعات حكماي مسلمان در جميع مداخل و ابواب طبيعيات، مابعدالطبيعه و حكمت عملي است كه هم حيث تاريخي آن مورد نياز است و هم حيث تحليلي و پديدارشناسانة آن. از حيث تاريخي، ملاحظاتي بميان مي‌آيد كه بر لزوم اِعمال دقّت و تأمل افزونتر مي‌افزايد؛ مهمترين اين ملاحظات به نگرش و نگارش جديدي از سير تحول و تطّور تاريخي انديشه‌ها و مشارب فلسفي در عالم اسلام بازميگردد. پيش از اين به نقيصة مشترك بسياري از آثار مربوط به تاريخ فلسفة اسلامي اشاره كرديم و آن عبارتست از التزام و تقيد نويسندگان به پيش‌فرضها و انگاره‌هاي شرق‌شناسي در اين زمينه. بدين‌ترتيب، در گام اول، سنجش و نقد اين پيش‌فرضها براي تدوين هرگونه مجموعه‌يي در باب تاريخ فلسفه و عرفان اسلامي ضرورت دارد و بدون بازنگري در اين انگاره‌ها، نتيجة‌ كار حداكثر تقريري نو از نوشته‌هاي قبلي خواهد شد. Manuscript profile
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        9 - An Analytic Critique of the Reductionist Approach to Islamic Philosophy
        Zahra  Mazaheri Seyyed Mohammad Kazem  Alavi
        One of the recent debates regarding Islamic philosophy focuses on its originality and the questions of the “possibility of Islamic philosophy”. This identity-related problem has a significant effect on the history and future of Islamic philosophy. The view of the oppone More
        One of the recent debates regarding Islamic philosophy focuses on its originality and the questions of the “possibility of Islamic philosophy”. This identity-related problem has a significant effect on the history and future of Islamic philosophy. The view of the opponents of the originality of this denomination, including Orientalists, Western historiographers, some Arab scholars, and those who are against any kind of religious philosophy can be considered to be reductionist. In their theories, they have reduced Islamic philosophy to a philosophy imitating Greek philosophy, Islamic Kalām and theology, and Arabic philosophy. Opposing Orientalists and historiographers view Greek philosophy as the base and Islamic philosophy as one of its branches. Some of the opponents believe that any attempt at establishing Islamic philosophy is in vain by insisting on the incompatibility of religion and philosophy. Moreover, by rejecting the possibility of religious philosophy, including Islamic philosophy, they maintain that the use of the word Islamic as an adjective for philosophy, as an intellectual science, is not justified and, thus, equate Islamic philosophy with Kalām and theology. Some other opponents, including Arabs, avoid the use of the phrase “Islamic philosophy”, and, by emphasizing the language of philosophical texts in Islamic tradition, call it Arabic philosophy. They limit Arabic philosophy to the Arab race and believe that this view is supported by history of philosophy. The present paper provides a critical analysis of the proponents of reductionist approaches to Islamic philosophy and aims to demonstrate and defend the necessity of its originality as a historical reality. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Philanthropia in Ancient Greece and its Relationship with Paideia
        Majid Mollayousefi Maryam Samadieh
        The present paper investigates the relationship between philanthropia and paideia based on the texts of classical Greece. The term “philanthropia” was first used in a play called Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus and was later used repeatedly in some of the literary and phi More
        The present paper investigates the relationship between philanthropia and paideia based on the texts of classical Greece. The term “philanthropia” was first used in a play called Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus and was later used repeatedly in some of the literary and philosophical works of the Classical Greece. In this play, philanthropy has been attributed to Prometheus because he stole fire from Zeus to give it to human beings and save them from destruction. In the comedy Peace by Aristophanes, the god Hermes has been introduced as philanthropist because he makes it possible for the humankind to access peace. In Isocrates’ speech, the term philanthropist is applied to political leaders and people who posses the highest level of virtues and share such gifts as knowledge with others. Moreover, in the fourth book of Laws, Plato introduces Cronos a philanthropist because, during his reign, he tried to consolidate the pillars of culture and civilization in society. In the dialogue Euthyphro, Socrates considers himself to be a philanthropist because he shares his knowledge with others. As attested by Aristotle, philanthropia is an essential and intrinsic quality; however, it develops a knowledge-based form through paideia. On the other hand, those existents who are called philanthropists try to develop paideia and spread it in their society. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Editor's Note
        Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari
        از زمره مقاطع حساسّ و درخشان تاريخي كه از قضا بطور خاص با تاريخ فلسفه پيوند مستقيم دارد، قرن پنجم پيش از ميلاد با محوريّت و ميدانداري دو تمدّن اصلي ايران و يونان است. البته آگاهي ما از اين دوره شوربختانه يكسويه است و عمدتاً متكّي بر نوشته‌ها، منابع و گزارشهاي مورخان يون More
        از زمره مقاطع حساسّ و درخشان تاريخي كه از قضا بطور خاص با تاريخ فلسفه پيوند مستقيم دارد، قرن پنجم پيش از ميلاد با محوريّت و ميدانداري دو تمدّن اصلي ايران و يونان است. البته آگاهي ما از اين دوره شوربختانه يكسويه است و عمدتاً متكّي بر نوشته‌ها، منابع و گزارشهاي مورخان يوناني است و از اين سو، يعني جهان ايراني و بطور خاص سرزمين پارس، هيچگونه مدركي در اختيار ما نيست و اگر هست، براي عرصه تاريخ‌نگاري و مستندسازي كارآيي چنداني ندارد. قرن پنجم را عصر طلايي و شكوفايي فرهنگ و تمدن يوناني ناميده‌اند و البته كه در اين تعبير و توصيف حقيقتي نهفته است: در آن دوره، بجز شماري از فيلسوفان، مجموعه‌يي از هنرمندان، شاعران، دانشمندان، نويسندگان و سياستمداران مهم و تأثيرگذار ظهور كردند كه آثار قلمي و معنوي آنان امروز نيز با گذشت بيش از 25 قرن، همچنان در مركز توجّه هر پژوهش علمي و تاريخي و فرهنگي است. هرچند از فيلسوفان آن دوره ـ موسوم به پيشاسقراطيان ـ بلحاظ آثار مكتوب، بغير از پاره نوشته‌ها، كتاب و دفتر و رساله منظّم و كاملي در اختيار نداريم، اما همين مقدار اندك و پراكنده هم براي تاريخ فلسفه و خود فلسفه، منبعي سرشار از تفكّر و تأمّلات عميق نظري است و دور نيست كه هر يك از آنان بعنوان آموزگار فلسفه براي ادوار بعدي خوانده شوند. دربارة نقش و سهم ساير دانشمندان و هنرمندان بسيار گفته‌اند و نوشته‌اند و امروزه در نوشته‌هاي مختصر و مفصّل نويسندگان غربي، بعنوان نياي پرافتخار فرهنگ، از آنان همچون پشتوانه درازدامن تاريخي ياد ميشود. نقد و ارزيابي آثار علمي و فرهنگي آن دوره با عنوان تمدن يوناني از جهات مختلفي قابل تأمل است كه به برخي از آن جهات در قالب ملاحظه مقدماتي اشاره ميشود: 1. در عنوان «سرزمين يونان» و «فرهنگ يوناني» قدري مسامحه و اغماض وجود دارد. چنانكه ميدانيم، سرزميني كه امروزه با نام كشور يونان شناخته ميشود، در قديم مشتمل بر مجموعه‌يي از جزاير و مناطق مستقل و نيمه‌مستقلاً بوده است كه عمدتاً در سواحل مديترانه و تركيه امروزي ـ آسياي صغير ـ بصورت كولونيها و مستعمره‌نشينها پراكنده شده و به‌اعتبار مهاجرت ساكنان يونان مركزي ـ آتيكا ـ به مناطق يوناني‌نشين آن دوره، شهرت يافتند. شايد عامل زباني نيز بيتأثير نبوده است، بطوريكه زبانهاي محلي جزاير و مناطق پراكنده آن عصر، پس از مدتي به زبان ـ و البته فرهنگ ـ عمومي يونان قديم خو گرفتند. گذشته از اين، نزاع و مناقشات سياسي و نظامي ميان آن مناطق، همواره در طول قرن پنجم بر قرار بوده است كه مشهورترين نمونه آن، نزاع و رقابت مستمر ميان آتن و اسپارت، بعنوان سمبل تقابل دو فرهنگ و نظام سياسي عصر باستان تلقي شده است. بدين ترتيب، چيزي بنام «دولت واحد» و حتي «وحدت سياسي» تحت عنوان «امپراتوري يونان»، عاري از واقعيت است و اين سرزمينهاي پراكنده، رقيب و حتي دشمن يكديگر، تنها در نقاطي خاص براي حفظ منافع و در مقابل دشمن مشترك به يكديگر نزديك ميشده‌اند و لذا اطلاق مفهومي واحد و يكدست بر اين قطعات متكثّر و عمدتاً ناسازگار، خالي از مسامحه نيست. 2. در مورد فيلسوفان و مكاتب و نحله‌هاي فلسفي نيز همين ملاحظه جاري است. بغير از كساني چون سقراط و افلاطون، اغلب يا تمامي چهره‌هاي شاخص فلسفي پيش و پس از سقراط، عمدتاً به خارج از قلمرو يونان مركزي تعلق داشتند و در آتن، بعنوان مهاجر و احياناً شهروند درجه دوم محسوب ميشدند. مشهود است كه ارسطو بعنوان بيگانه و مهاجر، براي تأسيس مدرسه خود به خارج از شهر آتن كوچ كرد و در طول فعاليت علمي خود، همواره تحت نظر حاكميت و رقباي خود قرار داشت. اين موضوع در مورد نويسندگان و دانشمندان و هنرمندان نيز صادق است و كمتر چهره‌يي در اين عرصه‌ها را ميشناسيم كه از سرزمين اصلي و مركزي يونان آن عصر، بر آمده باشد. نظير اين موقعيت در دنياي قديم را ميتوان شهر اسكندريه در شمال آفريقا نام بُرد. پس از افول و زوال قدرت سياسي و فرهنگي آتن، جمعيت زيادي از دانشمندان راه اسكندريه را در پيش گرفتند و در آنجا مدارس و حلقه‌هاي علمي، يكي پس از ديگري شكل گرفتند. چنانكه روشن است اطلاق عنواني مانند «تمدن اسكندريه» نيز خالي از اشكال نيست. بهر روي، فارغ از ملّيت و تعّلق افراد به آب و خاك و سرزمين مادري، سخن ما در تحليل و سنجش اصطلاح «تمدن يوناني» با تمركز بر قابلّيت و استعدادهاي ذاتي و جبلّي آنست كه در قياس با تمدنهاي ديگري، نظير هند، چين، مصر و ايران، نياز به بازخواني دارد. براي نمونه، موقعيت و شرايط امپراتوري پارس در همان عصر و برخورداري آن از وحدت سياسي و فرهنگي، دست‌كم در بازه زماني دويست سال حاكميت هخامنشيان، براي چنين مقصدي ميتواند مَدد رساند. ملاحظات ديگر در اين زمينه را به يادداشت بعدي واميگذاريم. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The Relationship between Daemon in Ancient Greek and Div in Zoroastrian Wisdom and Jinn in Islamic Philosophy
        Hojjatullah  Askarizadeh
        There are some shared truths regarding daemon in ancient Greek, div in Zoroastrian wisdom, and jinn in Islamic theology. Although daemon is in some cases distinguished from theos in Greek philosophy, it is usually confused with other divine existents, thus creating the More
        There are some shared truths regarding daemon in ancient Greek, div in Zoroastrian wisdom, and jinn in Islamic theology. Although daemon is in some cases distinguished from theos in Greek philosophy, it is usually confused with other divine existents, thus creating the challenge of how ancient Greek gods gradually turned into div and Satan during the Christian period and after that. In the same vein, there is not only a distinction but also total contrast and opposition between Divine gods and divs in Zoroastrian wisdom. The former is divine and good while the latter is evil and satanic. There is also an existent called “jinn” in Islamic worldview and teachings that is neither angel-like nor of an absolute evil nature. On the one hand, it is close to the world of immateriality and angels and can perform supernatural and superhuman acts; on the other hand, it is the origin of evil and wicked affairs in several cases, thus deserving the name of Satan. However, it is possible to explain the challenges related to ancient Greek daemons more accurately based on Muslim philosophers’ approach in classifying spiritual and immaterial existents and the distinctions that they make among angels, good jinns, and evils. This endeavor plays an important role in understanding the roots of the ideas held in ancient schools of philosophy, particularly in ancient Greece, so that one can clarify the role of daemons in ancient Greece more effectively. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Editor's Note
        Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari
        <p>درباره چگونگی سیر و انتقال فلسفه و علوم یونانی به شرق و سرزمینهای اسلامی، پژوهشهایی مفصّل، اعم از دانش&zwnj;نامه&zwnj;ها و تک&zwnj;نگاریها، نگاشته شده و میشود. از آنچه مربوط به انتقال علوم و دانشمندان از آتن به اسکندریه بوده، گزارشهایی نسبتاً دقیق در اختیار نسل حاضر More
        <p>درباره چگونگی سیر و انتقال فلسفه و علوم یونانی به شرق و سرزمینهای اسلامی، پژوهشهایی مفصّل، اعم از دانش&zwnj;نامه&zwnj;ها و تک&zwnj;نگاریها، نگاشته شده و میشود. از آنچه مربوط به انتقال علوم و دانشمندان از آتن به اسکندریه بوده، گزارشهایی نسبتاً دقیق در اختیار نسل حاضر قرار گرفته، اما از انتقال میراث علمی اسکندریه به سرزمینهای شرق، یعنی از اسکندریه تا حّران و نصیبین، و از آنجا به جندی شاپور و سپس بغداد و مرو و ری و دیگر مناطق و مراکز علمی سده&zwnj;های دوم تا پنجم هجری قمری، اطلاعاتی جامع در دست نیست. مشهور است که فیلسوفان مسلمان از خلال منشور نوافلاطونیان با فلسفۀ یونانی آشنا شدند و همین امر در شکلگیری فلسفۀ فارابی و ابن&zwnj;سینا بصورت تلاقی و پیوند دین با فلسفه و عقل با شریعت ظهور کرده است. بیتردید، این معنا از جهاتی چند قابل مناقشه است، از آنرو که گرچه نوافلاطونیان ـ بویژه اسکندرانیها ـ نسبت به اسلاف یونانی خود دغدغۀ بیشتری نسبت به دین و اخلاق و عرفان داشتند، و چهره&zwnj;های متأخر نوافلاطونی، از زمرۀ متألهان مسیحی قلمداد میشوند. اما از سویی دیگر، آنچه بعنوان دین (مثلاً) نزد فارابی میخوانیم و میبینیم، شباهت چندانی با دین مدنظر غربیها، حتی از نوع نوافلاطونی آن، ندارد؛ بویژه در مقولاتی چون وحی و نبوّت و رستاخیز و توحید. پس حتی با فرض اینکه الگوی فارابی و ابن&zwnj;سینا در پیوند میان عقل و وحی ـ&zwnj;یا دین و فلسفه&zwnj;ـ برگرفته از اسلاف نوافلاطونی آنها باشد، در جزئیات و مفردات، با پرسشها و مغایرتهای متعددی مواجه خواهیم شد، چنانکه در اخلاق و عرفان نیز این فاصله و تفاوت افزونتر میشود.</p> Manuscript profile