• List of Articles گرسنگی

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Study of Behavioral Duality and Social Discrimination of the Soviet Government in the Asylum Seek of the Democratic Sect in 1325
        ghader kiyani
        After the defeat of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan by the military forces of the Central Government on December 12, 1958, a number of military-political leaders and some ordinary members and supporters were forced to take the path of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaija More
        After the defeat of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan by the military forces of the Central Government on December 12, 1958, a number of military-political leaders and some ordinary members and supporters were forced to take the path of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan. They faced great problems in terms of housing, food, clothing, and health. Of course, considering the economic, social and other conditions after the Second World War, these bad conditions seem natural and acceptable in terms of the lack of basic biological facilities. But in these circumstances, what was seen from the behavior of the communist government of the Soviet Union in practice was the dual and discriminatory treatment of the refugees of the democratic sect. The military and political leaders of the Democratic Party, along with a few others, had the facilities and privileges, but at the same time, as mentioned above, a very large number of simple refugees in addition to the smallest living facilities including food, housing, health, clothing. Etc. were deprived. Distance from family and relatives became an additional problem and they demanded to return to Iran. But party and military leaders were free of this problem. It should be noted that he was the only sincere leader of Muhammad who wanted to return home. The article seeks to answer the question of whether the Soviet treatment of refugees was discriminatory. The hypothesis of the article is that the slogan of socialist equality of the Soviet government in dealing with the refugees of the democratic sect was forgotten. Manuscript profile