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        1 - Investigation of Loss of Extracted Wood, Biomass and Carbon Storage of Commercial Trunk of Hornbeam and Date-plum Species in Astara Forests
        Seyede Nasrin  Ghaznavi
        In current study, in order to accurately estimate of the volume, loss of extracted wood, biomass, carbon sequestration and extraction of allometric equations of hornbeam and date-plum species, 17 trees from each of the mentioned species in parcel 729 of the series seven More
        In current study, in order to accurately estimate of the volume, loss of extracted wood, biomass, carbon sequestration and extraction of allometric equations of hornbeam and date-plum species, 17 trees from each of the mentioned species in parcel 729 of the series seven of the watershed number one of Astara forests were selected and after measuring the diameter and height their volume measured, using volume equation. The selected trees were then fallen and the volume of trees measured again. Finally, after converting trees trunk into smaller portable parts by mules, the volume of extracted wood was measured again and statistically compared with analysis of variance. Also, after weighing the fresh weight of the total parts, 4 cm disc samples were taken from the diameter in breast height of the trees and after weighing the initial weight and drying the samples in the oven at 80 ° C, the samples biomass were calculated. Carbon stock of the samples was measured by burning method in an electric kiln and the amounts of biomass and carbon sequestration were generalized to all trees. The allometric equations of the biomass of the two species were also extracted using the exponential function. Based on the results, the average loss of hornbeam and date-plum wood was estimated to be 42% and 32%, respectively. The total reserves of carbon and carbon dioxide deposited by the two species were estimated at 60 and 220 tons per hectare, respectively. In addition, the extracted allometric equations provided a high coefficient of explanation (>0.9) for both species. The results of the present study show the high loss of extracted wood and the high accuracy of the extracted allometric equations in estimating the biomass of the studied species. Manuscript profile