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        1 - virtual media influence on the spread of iranian culture IRAN
        tahereh nikpoor ALIASGHAR KEYA mohammad reza rasouli
        abstract the purpose ofthisstudy was toinvestigate the effect of cyberspace and specifically social networks on the promotion of iranian environmental culture .this study was anapplied research in terms ofpurpose and exploratory mixed research design which was carriedo More
        abstract the purpose ofthisstudy was toinvestigate the effect of cyberspace and specifically social networks on the promotion of iranian environmental culture .this study was anapplied research in terms ofpurpose and exploratory mixed research design which was carriedout in two stages .in the qualitative part , semi structured interviews were used to explore and describe ideas and attitudes ofinterviewees .so , atfirst , an expert was interviewed and then data analysis was performed in three stages : open , axial and selective coding .as aresult , the open source codes were extracted in the form of axial codes of information functionality , educational and cultural performance , correlation function , promotional function , persuasive function and supervisory function .in quantitative section , among all actors of the environment in the form of ngos and virtual space activists ofiran , 217 people were selected and tested by cochran formula and randomly .aresearcher -made questionnaire was used to collect data in this section .finally , in order to investigate therelationships between variables , structural equation modeling technique was used with smart pls software .the results indicate that thevariables ofinformation function , educational and cultural function , correlation function , advertising function , persuasive function and monitoring function in promoting environmental culture of iran and cultureof environmental pollution are effective .in addition , demographic variables have moderator role in therelationship between thecomponents of cyberspace and culture of culture Manuscript profile