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        1 - Urban Shelter Site selection with Passive Defense Approach
        Nowadays “Passive Defense” is very important in urban management and Militarism, because we can reduce damages from enemies attack by complying with its rules. Making urban shelters is one of important actions to reduce human casualties. Making urban shelters have its r More
        Nowadays “Passive Defense” is very important in urban management and Militarism, because we can reduce damages from enemies attack by complying with its rules. Making urban shelters is one of important actions to reduce human casualties. Making urban shelters have its rules. Finding the best place in city is one of these rules which should be complied. The shelter must be created in place that people can reach very fast in the crisis. In this paper urban shelter site-selecting implemented using multi criteria decision making algorithms with passive defense approaches. In the first step, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used in order to determine the weight of each criterion. Then, we use fuzzy logic functions to produce fuzzificated factor maps. Finally, we utilize TOPSIS algorithm to evaluate all the points of city and create assessment map. Zahedan (in the southeast in Iran) is chosen as case study. In this paper 39 layers (map) gathered and categorized into 15 factor. Most weight is dedicated to “Distance from important points” (23 %) and lowest weight is dedicated to “slope” (1 %). The results shows most areas in the east and the north and center of the city are not suitable places to build urban shelters since several inappropriate factors like “Distance to fault” , “Distance to Old buildings” , “Distance to dangerous area” , “Distance to rivers” , “Distance to under waters” and “Distance to high voltages power lines” are focused in these areas and intensify the effect of each other’s. And the west area in the city (and some small limited areas in northeast and southeast) is suitable for urban shelter. Manuscript profile