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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Study of Petrography & Petrophysics of Permian- Triassic carbonate sediments in Qatar –South Pars Arch
        Ali reza Bashari
        Abstract Dalan and Kangan Formations are major gas reservoirs in the Persian Gulf and surrounding area. Several supper giant gas fields has been found in the region. In this study reservoir rock types were identified and were divided into four lithostratigraphic zo More
        Abstract Dalan and Kangan Formations are major gas reservoirs in the Persian Gulf and surrounding area. Several supper giant gas fields has been found in the region. In this study reservoir rock types were identified and were divided into four lithostratigraphic zones: K1 to K4. Each of the four succeeding zones have been divided into different subzone. This Studies identified different facies-types on the Dalan and Kangan formation in this region. Petrophysical & Petrographycal studies indicate that the best reservoir unites are found in: Dolo-grainstones, Dolowakestones/Packstones and Grainstones. Isopach maps and Depth maps show variations in thickness and depth of different zones in this region. Depth map on top of Kangan formation shows this formation getting deeper toward north- west and south east in the Persian Gulf. Continuity of marker beds in Permian/Triassic sediment and paleontological evidence support diachroneity of these sediments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Petrographical factor and Petrophysical parameter: An approach to reservoir evaluation of the Sarvak formation in NW, of the Persian Gulf
        Alireza Bashari
        Sarvak formation is a major oil reservoir in the Persian Gulf. Various nomenclature of the Sarvak formation were applied by different operative oil companies In the northern part of the Persian Gulf. The aim at this study is to harmonize stratigraphical nomenclatu More
        Sarvak formation is a major oil reservoir in the Persian Gulf. Various nomenclature of the Sarvak formation were applied by different operative oil companies In the northern part of the Persian Gulf. The aim at this study is to harmonize stratigraphical nomenclature in this district , as well as to study the reservoir qualities and to asses hydrocarbon accumulations in this area. By using different petrophysical data and integration with geological factor, resulted in revealing three stratigraphy members ( Mishrif, Ahmadi and Mauddud), as well as reservoir qualities variations , in this district. By applying, available petrophsical data, and integration with geological information, various 3D geological maps, ( porosity, water & oil saturation maps etc…) were made. Preliminary assessment of the reservoir potential of the Bahregansar & Hendijan Fields shows , Sarvak formation in these two fields, have a good reservoir qualities, but other part of this district has poor reservoir qualities. This study shows , having high portions of clay mineral in the Sarvak reservoir along with lack of suitable cap rock and poor reservoir qualities , diminished reservoir potentials in this district. Manuscript profile