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        1 - Hydrochemical evaluation and qualitative deterioration assessment of Gorganrud River
        Mojtaba G.Mahmoodlu Nader Jandaghi Maryam Sayadi
        In this study, the hydrochemical evolution and qualitative deterioration of Gorganrud River water were investigated in a distance of approximately 100 km from the northern margin of the Alborz highlands to Gorgan Gulf. For this purpose, the analysis results of elven phy More
        In this study, the hydrochemical evolution and qualitative deterioration of Gorganrud River water were investigated in a distance of approximately 100 km from the northern margin of the Alborz highlands to Gorgan Gulf. For this purpose, the analysis results of elven physicochemical parameters related to four hydrometric stations over a ten-year statistical period were used. Gibbs, Stiff, Piper, Durov diagrams as well as five saturation indices for carbonate, sulfate and chloride minerals were used to study the hydrochemical evolution of the river. Water quality changes in drinking (using Schoeller Diagram), agricultural (using Wilcox Diagram), and industrial (using corrosion indices) sectors along the Gorganrud River were also investigated. In this study, F test and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to analyze the variance of data and the number of factors affecting water hydrochemistry, respectively. The results showed that rock-water reaction, evaporation, and Gorgan Gulf saline water intrusion are the most important factors controlling the river water chemistry. Also, the water dominant type of Gorganrud River at the highlands margin is bicarbonate and as it enters the plain, it tends to reach full maturity, the type of sodium chloride. At all stations, river water is supersaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite but it is under saturated respect to anhydrite, gypsum and halite. However, evaporite minerals saturation increases in the flow direction. The quality of water for drinking and agriculture is suitable at the margins of highlands and as it enters the plain and the path to the Gorgan Gulf decreases sharply. According to the statistical analysis results, the most changes in physicochemical parameters are obtained between the Lazoure Station at the highlands margin and the Qazaghli Station in the middle part of the plain and after that no significant changes were observed between the quality parameters until Gorganroud outlet. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Karst geology of carbonate rocks mass in Abegarm area, south of Qazvin province
        P. Armani M. Karimi M. Tajabadi
        Understanding the geological phenomena created by dissolution can be a great help in understanding karst systems. Hence, geology is usually the first step in studying the karstification process. Abegarm is located in the Central Iran structural zone and includes the For More
        Understanding the geological phenomena created by dissolution can be a great help in understanding karst systems. Hence, geology is usually the first step in studying the karstification process. Abegarm is located in the Central Iran structural zone and includes the Formations of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras. The most important carbonate formations in Abegarm are Soltanieh, Ruteh, Elika, Lar and Qom formations. In this study, karstification potential was investigated after field work and sampling of carbonate rock units and comparing them in terms of the development of karst landforms. Sampling of karst springs in both dry and wet periods, as well as measurement of EC, pH and temperature on the ground were performed. Remote sensing studies were performed by ILWIS software on Landsat satellite images for isolation and calculation of the area of carbonate formations. AqQa software was used to review and interpret the findings of chemical analyses and Phree Qc software was used to model water chemistry. The most important karst landforms in the region include karrens, vugs, caves, and karst springs. Based on the combination of field studies and remote sensing data, the intensity of karstification in the Abegarm area graded from high to low, include: Qom, Soltanieh, Lar and Cretaceous formations. Based on karst development classification, Abegarm karstification is merokarst (incomplete) and shallow; and based on the karst cycle classification it is classified as juvenile to young. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Hydrodynamic and Hydrochemical Study in Oil Reservoirs: Asmari reservoir, Rag-E-Safid Oil Field
        بهمن  سلیمانی abdolah Momeni Faizhabad Mousa Zohrabzadeh
        The evaluation of hydrodynamic characteristics can be a useful tool to understand the field behavior and production efficiency. The present study is an attempt to clarify hydrodynamic flow in the Asmari reservoir of the Rage Safid oil field. Water oil contact (WOC) dept More
        The evaluation of hydrodynamic characteristics can be a useful tool to understand the field behavior and production efficiency. The present study is an attempt to clarify hydrodynamic flow in the Asmari reservoir of the Rage Safid oil field. Water oil contact (WOC) depth is 200m lesser in northern flank than southern part. The results indicated that the aquifer potentiometric surface is tilted. The Piper and Composition diagrams are showing the mixing process of two water types including Cl-Na type with higher TDI and calcic-magnesic bicarbonate type with lower TDI in the reservoir water. The first one is sourced from salt horizons of Gachsaran Formation and the second one is from limestone-dolomitic parts of the Asmari Formation. This result is also verified by TDI to depth plot. Hydrodynamic maps and fluids trends are showing a continuous flow from NE to W-SW of the field. This flow is relatively strong in western and south western part. Generally, production index and pressure data indicate a suitable condition in southern –southwestern part of the field. By considering fluid flux from NE to W-SW it is strictly proposed to focus drilling program in the western part and the water injection program in the north eastern part of the field. Manuscript profile