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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Developing a Framework for Technology Intelligence Process in SMEs
        mahdi hajari hojjatollah hajhosseini mahdi hamidi
        Technology intelligence is a concept that enables firms to detect technological opportunities and risks which influence their future progress and performance of trade, therefore using this concept by organizations and corporations can be noteworthy. On the other hand, l More
        Technology intelligence is a concept that enables firms to detect technological opportunities and risks which influence their future progress and performance of trade, therefore using this concept by organizations and corporations can be noteworthy. On the other hand, literature has dealt with different models for realization of technology intelligence, and in any of them, multiple stages are introduced. Hence in this research, surveying four models and concluding relevant stages of each, we introduced a model for implementation of technology intelligence concept. In this model three elements which are ignored by existing models - time, requisite activity and management of technology intelligence - are regarded as proposed factors. In this research we used information from libraries to collect the literature. At the end of this article, there is also a suggestion in order to implement further researches. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Open Innovation; A Comprehensive View on Concepts, Approaches, Trends and Key Success Factors
        Mostafa Safdari Ranjbar Manochehr Manteghi Gholamreza Tavakoli
        In the past, the development and commercialization of an innovation process used to depend on intra-organizational think-tank and efforts. Today, however, Open Innovation paradigm calls companies to also tap into outside ideas and technologies and yet mutually allow oth More
        In the past, the development and commercialization of an innovation process used to depend on intra-organizational think-tank and efforts. Today, however, Open Innovation paradigm calls companies to also tap into outside ideas and technologies and yet mutually allow other companies to exploit their innovative ideas. Open Innovation is a hot topic which has outstandingly drawn researchers' and managers' attention from various perspectives in the past few years. Therefore, reviewing on a case study basis, the topic's entire literature that comprises 70 papers, the current research paper aims to cover its concepts, approaches, major trends, and key success factors. To point to a few findings of the research, the paper dramatizes new and emerging perspectives and trends in the realm of Open Innovation, successes like external networking, innovation brokers, technology intelligence, absorption capacity, open business model, and human factors such as culture and motivation. The paper concludes that managers of companies and organizations should exploit Open Innovation as a solution to confront fast changing technological trends, short technology life cycles, high internal R&D costs, and sever global competition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Role of Open Innovation in Gaining Technology Intelligence
        Kamran Feyzi Seyed kamal Tabatabaeiyan Hosein Khosropour
        High speed changes and evolutions in technological environment are among the important subjects in business which has made the ability to plan and decide in this area impossible without a proper perception of the present and future situation of technology. Therefore, de More
        High speed changes and evolutions in technological environment are among the important subjects in business which has made the ability to plan and decide in this area impossible without a proper perception of the present and future situation of technology. Therefore, determination, creation and development of the industrial and research co-workers network using the open innovation and employing the technology intelligence in order to observe the technological evolutions for technology-based organizations and also the technology and science progress that has a direct effect on the business area of these organizations are very important. On the other hand, since the increasing growth of the internet in increasing the input resources for technology intelligence has a key effect, the appropriate employment and use of information technology tools for accessing and analyzing these inputs has also been changed into a key point in technology intelligence creation. Thus, the organization`s strategy in determination and acquisition of the appropriate process of technology intelligence has become very important so that organization requires to merger the innovation and idea from out of the organization with main advantages from inside the organization. As a result, establishing a systematic framework, the organizations, creating a connection between the technology intelligence and open innovation, can help their purpose and increase the technology intelligence value. In other words, technology intelligence as an open innovation approach tool creates a relation between knowledge and idea from out of the organization and main advantages from inside the organization results in creating a competitive advantage for the organization. Manuscript profile