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        1 - Effect of Passion on Seditions (Fitnas) in Imam Ali’s Age
        The present research is aimed to clarify the role of the components of passion (revolt, enmity, lust, and rebellion) in seditions (Fitnas) of Imam Ali’s age. In Imam Ali’s age, there lived some people who didn’t make decisions based on their wisdom and sound judgment; r More
        The present research is aimed to clarify the role of the components of passion (revolt, enmity, lust, and rebellion) in seditions (Fitnas) of Imam Ali’s age. In Imam Ali’s age, there lived some people who didn’t make decisions based on their wisdom and sound judgment; rather, they acted based on their passions and temptations. Passions resulted in the seditions of Imam Ali’s age in four main forms: revolt, enmity (hostility), lust, and rebellion. Revolt and passionate cruelties of factions of Jamal, Seffin, and Nahrawan led to three consecutive seditions. A group of people, due to jealousy, and another group, due to the fact that some their close relatives had been killed by Imam Ali in Battles of Badr, Ohod, etc., feuded him; so that, “enmity”, as another form of passion, emerged in form of vengeance. “Passions” had significant role in creation of the seditions of that age. Seditionists’ eagerness toward wealth, as the basis of the passions, was the fundamental basis of the seditions in Imam Ali’s age. Furthermore, disobeying the God’s proof and representative among His servants amounts to rebellion, which people committed impudently and created many seditions after the Prophet’s death. Manuscript profile