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        1 - Design, Construction and Psychometric Questionnaire Multiple Intelligences in Handball
        Mohammad Reza Shahabi Kaseb Fatemeh Cheshomi Zahra Estiri Mohammad Reza Mohammadi Rasool Zeidabadi
        The aim of the current study was, development of psychometric Questionnaire Multiple Intelligences from Gardner (2002) in handball. First, by studying the literature in the field of handball and interviews with experts in the field, questions were designed that the best More
        The aim of the current study was, development of psychometric Questionnaire Multiple Intelligences from Gardner (2002) in handball. First, by studying the literature in the field of handball and interviews with experts in the field, questions were designed that the best questions are selected from the initial questionnaire (188 items) was constructed. Specialists the face and content validity, of the questionnaire was sent to 10 motor behavior’s Specialists and handball’s experts that face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed (CVR= 0/99, CVI=0/89). Factor analysis based on structural equations was used for validation of structure of questionnaire and Cronbach alpha coefficient was used to assess internal consistency of questionnaire. Results showed four component model includes Bodily/ kinesthetic, visual/ spatial, mathematical / logical and emotional intelligence with 37 questions had acceptable fit index (RMSEA = 0.06, CFI = 0.92, TLI = 0.91), internal consistency were reported and verified also with using Cronbach’s alpha 0/90. Manuscript profile