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        1 - Foundations of the ontology of human generosity in Sadr Al-Motealehin’s notion
        Human generosity which is the basic dimension of human existence is the main part of the religious intellectuals’ discussions. Anthropology resources enumerated two kind of human generosity included generosity and honorability of ontology; and certainly acquired generos More
        Human generosity which is the basic dimension of human existence is the main part of the religious intellectuals’ discussions. Anthropology resources enumerated two kind of human generosity included generosity and honorability of ontology; and certainly acquired generosity or axiology of enjoyment of generosity is based on the important foundations. Now, the question is that based on what human enjoys the generosity of ontology and axiology? The paper has been investigated the foundations of ontology of the human generosity in the Sadr Al-Motealehin’s notion and believed that human has made the foundations of human generosity by enjoying the most basic divine blesses such as intellectuality, apprehensiveness, divine caliphate, etc. Manuscript profile