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        1 - Reviewing and Criticism of Research Articles on Literature in 1380 (2000) Decade
        عبدالله  راز Ahmad razi
        Publishing research articles in contemporary period is an appropriate chance to share research findings of different scholars and informing audiences about new scientific achievements. Although their publishing have been quantitatively increasing in recent decade, there More
        Publishing research articles in contemporary period is an appropriate chance to share research findings of different scholars and informing audiences about new scientific achievements. Although their publishing have been quantitatively increasing in recent decade, there were no due attention to their assessment and criticism. This article, with a descriptive-analytic method, assesses those kinds of research articles published from 1381/2001 to 1390/2011. The research expresses advantages and disadvantages of these articles and presents a picture of the status of scientific article writing in domain of literary studies. In so doing, 345 articles were selected as examples and most important subjects under focus of authors were identified and were classified in frame of text-based, context-based, author-based, reader-based, and different articles. Moreover, patterns of cooperation between authors, and quality and quantity of used resources in these articles were presented in different charts and tables. As this issue is so important and to assess the accuracy of obtained results from main sample size, another set of 345 articles were exactly reviewed in two groups of “evidence 1” and “evidence 2”. This review shows that although articles have various subjects, apply different kinds of resources, consider some interdisciplinary approaches particularly in second half of this decade relative accuracy in composing coherent articles, specialty of some journals related to literature and considerable increase of university instructors and students cooperation in publishing articles, there are lots of deficiencies in these articles, like methodology, dominance of descriptive approach, repeated contents, lack of critical view, high frequency of education-based articles, and spread of quantitative and formal criteria and so on… Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Study, Analysis and Critique of Four Persian Odes Based on Systemic – Functional Linguistics
        Reza چراغی Ahmad razi  
        The first ode in Farrokhi Sistani’s Divan is a poetic description of clouds. It has been imitated by many poets. The authors of the present research have studied the first part of the ode (Taqazzol), which has been imitated by three poets close to Farrokhi’s time- Azraq More
        The first ode in Farrokhi Sistani’s Divan is a poetic description of clouds. It has been imitated by many poets. The authors of the present research have studied the first part of the ode (Taqazzol), which has been imitated by three poets close to Farrokhi’s time- Azraqi, Masoud Sa’d, Amirmo’ezy- comparing them with Farrokhi’s own poem, in the framework of systemic–functional linguistics. Since Azraqi is known for his poetic innovations and Amirmo’ezy is accused of sheer imitation – if not literary theft – of Farrokhi’s Divan and Onsory’s, the research can also provide a scientific and objective analysis of creativity, innovation or sheer imitation. No doubt many literary artistic beauties and fine points cannot be explained through linguistic analysis. However, most linguistic approaches, methods, and tools are useful for understanding literary texts preventing subjective evaluations and judgments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Deviation from the Norms in Nezami’s Khamseh
        زينب  نوروزي
        Nezami Ganjavi employs a complex symbolic language in his poetry. His frequent play with words is an attempt to emotionally affect the readers. The present paper is a study of the language Nezami used in his poetry, based on the formalist theory of the deviation from t More
        Nezami Ganjavi employs a complex symbolic language in his poetry. His frequent play with words is an attempt to emotionally affect the readers. The present paper is a study of the language Nezami used in his poetry, based on the formalist theory of the deviation from the norms. A prominent aspect of deviation from norms is to use words for meanings other than their usual ones; this has frequently been used in Khamseh. Studying such deviations helps to discover the artistic and poetic techniques of Nazami’s literary creation. Nezami has created his poems by deviation from standard language, and defamiliarization. Notably, the later should be studied regarding the linguistic norms and the time when they were in use. In the construction of Nezami’s poems, deviations of musical, lexical, syntactic, and semantic types play a crucial role. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Depicting Tunisia's socio-cultural atmosphere in the four novels (Aisha, Adel, Ali, Nasser) by Al-Bashir bin Salameh
        Shahin Nasiri mostafa yegani ardashir sadraldini
        The novel is one of the new literary genres that strengthened its position in Arabic literature in the early twentieth century, as an independent literary art. Depicts an era, the present study has tried to write a descriptive-analytical method with the aim of explainin More
        The novel is one of the new literary genres that strengthened its position in Arabic literature in the early twentieth century, as an independent literary art. Depicts an era, the present study has tried to write a descriptive-analytical method with the aim of explaining literary criticism on Ibn Salameh's four novels. The results of the research indicate that: Ibn Salameh in his novel using He uses the symbolic language to critique the political and social situation of Tunisian society, depicting the protagonist's mental crisis, the plight of intellectuals, and their internal conflicts. Also, Al-Bashir Ibn Salameh, by using the technique of description and its various methods and tools, in addition to succeeding in conveying the emotions and inner states of the characters of the novel to the reader, puts him well in the events of the novel and a very tangible image of the space. The novel has provided. Manuscript profile