• List of Articles نفس.

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Moderation and it's role in security’s Soul in Plato
        This study, in order to solve the problem of unrest and anxiety of modern man, leaning on Plato's views, shows that Including ways to gain the Psychological security is man’s persist on virtues that moderation is headed. Plato after drawing of human dignity in being as More
        This study, in order to solve the problem of unrest and anxiety of modern man, leaning on Plato's views, shows that Including ways to gain the Psychological security is man’s persist on virtues that moderation is headed. Plato after drawing of human dignity in being as rational’s being and based in network of Ideas kinship, analysis understanding’s folk of moderation and rethinking it. According to him, the public perception of the concept of moderation in the sense of self- control, in addition to inherent contradiction of its own and function only personal,lead to camouflage the real reason, because moderation is the result of the systematic and harmonious soul of the rule of the reason over force condemned achieved and thereby directed a person to stability in soul and immunity and resistance against all kinds of emotional and provides in this way comfort her.So according to Plato, inner peace is based on internal issue and always manifestation on order of soul. Accordingly, it can be said, the most important factor of unrest contemporary human is epistemological crisis of himself and his inner power. Therefore, to solve the crisis, should be reminds him divine nature of the soul and the ruling order of it, which is, formulated in the philosophy of Plato the virtue of moderation Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Investigation of mystical authorities (repentance, patience, reza, piety and trust) In the works of Imam Khomeini and Imam Mohammad Ghazali
        Jamal  Salehzadeh Seyed Jasem  Pejhohandeh Aliyar  Hosseini
        Mystical authorities have been one of the most important movements of human perfection towards the essence of the existence of creation and the theology of the followers of this path. One of the most important issues in this study was the study of the mystical approach More
        Mystical authorities have been one of the most important movements of human perfection towards the essence of the existence of creation and the theology of the followers of this path. One of the most important issues in this study was the study of the mystical approach of Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Imam Khomeini in relation to mystical authorities, especially authorities (repentance, patience, consent, piety and trust). The findings of the present study show that these two great worlds, with a philosophical, moral and mystical aspect as well as a Quranic and narrative approach, have explained the said mystical authorities, although in some cases, and especially in details, there are differences. The method of collecting information in this research was library and the method of processing was descriptive and analytical. It is associated with differences in views and especially Imam Khomeini's critique of the works and views of Imam Mohammad Ghazali, and due to the long time interval between the life of Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Imam Khomeini and due to the continuation and development of mystical approaches by other mystics and benefit and The development of Imam Khomeini's mystical views under his influence, he has been able to provide more comprehensive views of mystics before these mystical authorities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Critical analysis of Sadr al-Mutalahin's view on bodily resurrection
        Hossein movahedpoor Seyyed Hashem  Golestani Mohammad Reza  Shamshiri
        The collective view of Islamic philosophers is that reason is unable to prove physical resurrection and the reasons for proving physical resurrection are merely narrative. Considering that the main truth of man is in the soul and understanding is also achieved by the so More
        The collective view of Islamic philosophers is that reason is unable to prove physical resurrection and the reasons for proving physical resurrection are merely narrative. Considering that the main truth of man is in the soul and understanding is also achieved by the soul, and in the meantime, the soul uses matter only as a tool and a means to achieve its desires.In this article ،an attempt is made to first present a brief picture of the appearance of elemental doubts and the non-physicality of resurrection among Islamic philosophers، and then to discuss the foundations of resurrection in the wisdom of the Supreme.Attention should be paid to this matter، how can the main problems and doubts raised by Sadr al-Mutealehin be resolved and what answer can be found for it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Absurdity of Imagination in Transcendent Wisdom: An Epistemological Critique of the Proof of Lack of Material Properties and the Addition of Opposites in Imagination
        reza jamalinezhad SEYED SADRADDIN TAHERI Abolfazl Mahmoodi
        In the present article, in line with the problem of cognition and knowledge, an attempt has been made to give a brief explanation of some epistemological principles of the celibacy of imagination in transcendent wisdom, such as the relation between the issuance and the More
        In the present article, in line with the problem of cognition and knowledge, an attempt has been made to give a brief explanation of some epistemological principles of the celibacy of imagination in transcendent wisdom, such as the relation between the issuance and the subject of the soul to imaginary forms. Imagination is one of the broad concepts that are discussed in the fields of epistemology, ontology and anthropology and has a different place in each field. In the epistemological system of transcendent wisdom, imagination is the bridge between the intellectual and sensory powers, and in this way the epistemological problem is solved by the connection between sensory and intellectual perceptions. Have celibacy. The abstraction of this power is based on several arguments. The most important proofs of the abstraction of the imagination in transcendent wisdom is one argument of lack of material properties and the other argument of imagining contradictory things. To review the power of these arguments in the direction of the problem of cognition. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating the dimensions and effects of faith in improving the mental health of people with corona
        Rohollah Shateri Hamid Sotoudeh
        Today, coronary heart disease and the consequences of its outbreak are a threat to mental health and the underlying cause of coronary anxiety disorder virus. And be considered social. Therefore, paying attention to the functional consequences of religious beliefs for pr More
        Today, coronary heart disease and the consequences of its outbreak are a threat to mental health and the underlying cause of coronary anxiety disorder virus. And be considered social. Therefore, paying attention to the functional consequences of religious beliefs for preventive knowledge, and how to deal with this tragedy, as well as reducing the pain and suffering of patients, is a valuable guide. This article, using library and documentary data in descriptive-analytical and functionalist methods, examines some of the most important principles of human soul perfectionism from a monotheistic perspective, which can have a positive effect on promoting the mental health of Crohn's patients. This qualitative research, while explaining the nature and truth of religious faith, shows that increasing the level of resilience and preventing psychological stress caused by acute illnesses such as Quaid 19, in the light of trust in God and patience. It is associated with diseases. Manuscript profile