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        1 - Validation for Faculty Member Development Model in Universities of Tehran
        yousef mohebzadegan   Mohammad   
        To modernize any society, in particular in developing countries it is necessary to focus and to be concerned with educational institutions. The quality of these institutions and their anticipation to fulfill the present and future needs of the society throughout Educati More
        To modernize any society, in particular in developing countries it is necessary to focus and to be concerned with educational institutions. The quality of these institutions and their anticipation to fulfill the present and future needs of the society throughout Education, Research and Proficiency Services are important. Faculty Development is an organized, goal-directed process to achieve progression and growth of skills that enable one to contribute in a meaningful way to the advancement of the field of interest, whether educational, operational, or scientific. This Research relied on mixed method Research and has been done based on Grounded Theory approach. research participants include 17 higher education Experts including full time faculty members and granted PhD students for qualitative part and 307 faculty members in Tehran universities for quantitative part. In this research type of data generated throughout semi structured interview and questionnaire. In validating the gathered data used two methods including member checking and external audit for Qualitative part and Alpha Cronbach for quantitative part. Data Analysis: The Gathered data were analyzed using the content analysis approach using by LISREL and SPSS software. The results Indicate that 13 General Categories Paradigm Model, Including Causal Conditions, Core phenomena (Participation in Decision Making), Contextual Conditions, the Intervening Conditions, Strategies for Faculty Development (Academic Freedom, Set up the Faculty Development Center) and Outcomes Obtained that Factors Affecting the Faculty Development Process. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Presenting a conceptual model of a comprehensive system of training for specific jobs of the supervisory organization Based on data theory
        Masoomeh Bagheri Fardin Batmani Fardin Abdollahi
        The aim of this study was to provide a conceptual model of a comprehensive education system for the specific jobs of the regulatory organization. In terms of the type of qualitative research and research method, it was systematically derived from Strauss and Corben data More
        The aim of this study was to provide a conceptual model of a comprehensive education system for the specific jobs of the regulatory organization. In terms of the type of qualitative research and research method, it was systematically derived from Strauss and Corben data. Potential research participants were all experts, elites and professors working in the specific jobs of the regulatory body. Theoretical purposive sampling was used. The number of participants was 33 people with whom a semi-structured interview was conducted and the individuals who provided the most information and data to answer the questions were selected and the interviews continued until reaching the saturation point and maximum information. Open, axial and selective coding methods, as well as MAXQDA software were used to analyze the information. The results showed: The obtained conceptual model has 673 concepts, 126 components and 18 categories and its categories include: causal conditions with categories: identification of effective factors in poor education, review of the current situation, quantitative status and qualitative factors of training, review In the job description, background conditions with categories: necessity of education, economic, social and legal factors, intervention conditions with categories: policy-making and review of job descriptions and categories of strategies, including: monitoring and evaluation, realistic needs assessment, review of training content and targeting, Implications are also with the categories: developing a comprehensive training system, motivating employees and purposeful planning. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Designing a model for accepting digital currencies in intercompany e-commerce under international sanctions
        maziar fekri samad alii morteza mahmoodzadeh hakimeh niky esfahlan
        The main purpose of this research is to design a model for accepting digital currencies in inter-company electronic commerce under the conditions of international sanctions. Based on the nature and method, the current research is a descriptive-survey research with a mix More
        The main purpose of this research is to design a model for accepting digital currencies in inter-company electronic commerce under the conditions of international sanctions. Based on the nature and method, the current research is a descriptive-survey research with a mixed (quantitative-qualitative) approach. The statistical sample included 12 experts in the qualitative section and the senior and middle managers of 50 commercial companies in the quantitative section, from which a sample of 110 people was selected using Cochran's formula. The data collection tools in the qualitative part include semi-structured interviews and in the quantitative part include questionnaires. Data analysis was done in a qualitative method with a database approach and MAXQDA software. Validation of the model was done with partial least squares technique and SmartPLS software. In relation to the causal conditions, two categories of factors including organizational and sub-factors were considered. In relation to the background conditions, three categories of factors including political impact, social structure and economic impact were identified. Intervening factors include features of the economic, legal, cultural and political environment. The central phenomenon is the acceptance of digital currencies. Regarding strategies, educational, supportive and social strategies were identified. Identified outcomes include increased financial profits, and organizational climate and greater performance and productivity. The results of the quantitative part showed that the research paradigm model has high validity. Manuscript profile