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        1 - Constitutive discourse and triple discovery; rationality, ideology and power )Case study of 25 journals from Tabriz constitutional revolution (
        DR abolfazl ghanizadeh
        Discourse is a force that emanates from a relationship of three, rationality, ideology, and power, and is used for political action. With the identification of triples, rationality, ideology and power, one can discover the ontology of discourse, and vice versa, through More
        Discourse is a force that emanates from a relationship of three, rationality, ideology, and power, and is used for political action. With the identification of triples, rationality, ideology and power, one can discover the ontology of discourse, and vice versa, through the discovery of discourses, it can be traced to the trios of time. Since the introduction of the term Constitutionalism into the political literature and the quadruple functions of discourse, whether compulsion, critique, concealment and eventually legitimization or decriminalization in the interaction of rationality, ideology and power in the field of literary competence, especially the field of press, was realized through analysis and analysis The discourses that were heated through congressional publications in Tabriz were trivial in the constitutional period. In this regard, in the present study, 25 journals from the period of constitutionalism between the peak years have been selected and selected from different perspectives, content, approach and goals. Conclusion: Monarchism, intellectuals, including liberalism and socialism, clergy, including orthodox, jurisprudential recitations and the dominant triune of modern society. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - طراحی شبکه زنجیره تأمین با در نظر گرفتن هماهنگی سطوح با استفاده از تبلیغات مشارکتی در بستر فروش اینترنتی
        Ali asghar Emadabadi Ebrahim Teimoury mir saman pishvaee
        The decisions about designing the supply chain network are considered as strategic decisions of supply chain management, which have long-term impacts on overall performances of the chain. However, one of the most important challenges of problems of designing the supply More
        The decisions about designing the supply chain network are considered as strategic decisions of supply chain management, which have long-term impacts on overall performances of the chain. However, one of the most important challenges of problems of designing the supply chain network is coordination of its parts that can lead to several restrictions in tactical and operational levels. One of the increasing approaches of the coordination in supply chain is using Collaborative Advertisements. In this article, using the collaborative advertisement in designing the multi-level supply chain, multi-period and multi-product, have been considered in order to make coordination. The chain is also looking forward to fulfill the requirements of establishing new facilities. Advertisements are provided in two sections; supplying advertisements and chain advertisements. The chain advertisements and the information resource of the chain that customers purchases and orders registration are registered within it, is an internet website, which gets some percent as website’s costs per purchase from the chain’s parts. The demand of each customer is considered dependent on price and advertisement function. In case study the plan of publication subscription has been specified that for all of the variances in the impact factor of the advertisement supplier, summation of supplier’s benefits in presented model are better than the present situations; however, this matter is not compatible with all of the suppliers and some of them would have less benefits. But by means of sharing benefits of this coordination, this problem would be satisfied Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Systematic Review of Research Papers in the Field of Tourism Social Studies
        Mozhgan  Azimi Hashemi zahra bostan
        Reviewing research in any field provides a clear understating of theoretical approaches, methods, and techniques used in that field. It also expresses theoretical and methodological developments. In addition to general issues about the nature and evolution of scientific More
        Reviewing research in any field provides a clear understating of theoretical approaches, methods, and techniques used in that field. It also expresses theoretical and methodological developments. In addition to general issues about the nature and evolution of scientific knowledge, Paradigmatic topics and new studies on tourism (which can provide theories on the evolution of tourism knowledge), systematic reviews provide verifiable and firm conclusions about the evolution of research on a relevant topic. In order to reveal insights and social thoughts about tourism, this article utilized content analysis to review the social studies of tourism in scientific journals in Iran. According to Cohen’s sociology of tourism, tourism social studies are classified into four categories: (a) the tourist-his motivations, attitudes, reactions, and roles; (b) the relations and perceptions of tourists and locals; (c) the structure of the tourist system; and (d) impacts of tourism. Research findings show that the structure of the tourist system is the most prevalent social issue in the Iranian scholars’ research. Tourists, impacts of tourism, and the relations and perceptions of tourists and locals are in the next places respectively. The results show that tourism is not popular among sociologists in Iran. Geographers are more active in producing and publishing social issues of tourism, and they have published most of the articles in all of the four categories. Results do not show growth in interdisciplinary studies of tourism but they confirm multidisciplinary research that was carried out mainly by using quantitative methods and through surveys of stakeholders and experts. The results show that there are many conceptual and methodological gaps in the development of knowledge between the tourism industry and its impact on policy-making, development, and management of commercial tourism in Iran. Manuscript profile