• List of Articles نبوت

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        1 - Khatamiat From Allameh Tabatabee's viewpoint based on Al-Mizan Interpretation
        Abbas  Asad Abadi
        This paper pursues to clarify Khatamyyat (The Seal) from Allameh Tabatabaee’s viewpoint based on Al-Mizan Interpretation. This outstanding interpreter has investigated this issue from two different viewpoints: the first, the viewpoint that indicates verses, their interp More
        This paper pursues to clarify Khatamyyat (The Seal) from Allameh Tabatabaee’s viewpoint based on Al-Mizan Interpretation. This outstanding interpreter has investigated this issue from two different viewpoints: the first, the viewpoint that indicates verses, their interpretation and explanation; the second, the viewpoint of dubiousness that tarnish the verses’ indication. According to Allameh, the first verse of Surah Al-Furqan (Chapter of Criterion), the 19th verse of Surah Al-Ana’m (Chapter of Cattle), the 28th verse of Surah Saba (Chapter of Saba’), the 40th verse of Surah Al-Ahzab (Chapter of the Confederates) and the 42th verse of Surah Fussilat (Chapter of Detailed) explicitly indicate the Khatamyyat, and some who criticize the dubiousness of the mentioned verses or they propound the other verses to breach Khatamyyat (The Seal) are rejected Manuscript profile
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        2 - The rule of reason for ignorance and its application in theology
        morteza motaghi nejad
        reverence of excessive ignorance means that a truth is hidden and a person remain in his/her ignorance or means that mentioning against truth. This sometimes is lawful and correct including mentioning something against truth and sometimes is illegal l More
        reverence of excessive ignorance means that a truth is hidden and a person remain in his/her ignorance or means that mentioning against truth. This sometimes is lawful and correct including mentioning something against truth and sometimes is illegal like as considering the miracle for false prophet which is impossible for God ; because this is considered as cruelty and breach. The rule of enormity of reverence of excessive ignorance is one of the most important ones. research and study in the domain of this rule will show that mentioned rule is used to prove issues like as incumbency of benefice to God , the necessity of duty for human , the necessity of sending prophet , the necessity of appointing Imam , certainty of chastity of prophet and imam , the indication of miracle on the honesty of prophet. This study has been carried out by library and report- analytic methods and has investigated the different uses of this rule in scholastic theology and has determined that this rule is used in important issues of theology. At the final section of the study , the most important reasons of enormity of reverence of excessive ignorance to God like as the rule of congruity of cause and effect , the rule of rational enormity and virtue and the impossibility of ignoring intention have been studied Manuscript profile
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        3 - Guardianship and its relation to prophecy and mission in mysticism
        Mohammad Ebrahim  Zarrabiha
        The truth of the governorship is that it is a divine word. Its principle is constant in the heavens. "Governorship" has its own levels and steps, its laws and its provisions are numerous based on its dimensions. Guardianship is one of the most important issues of mystic More
        The truth of the governorship is that it is a divine word. Its principle is constant in the heavens. "Governorship" has its own levels and steps, its laws and its provisions are numerous based on its dimensions. Guardianship is one of the most important issues of mysticism which realizes in perfect human. This world is the same as the appearance of God, and the Lord is present in his own manifestation. Therefore, human as a part of this world is the manifestation of God. Here, the concept of guardianship is meaningful. The perfect guardian is who has all the attributes of God, and this person is no other than the true prophet. The system of the world and the afterworld depends on the existence of the Muhammadiyah truth. Such a truth is the lord of all manifestations due to the credit of Guardianship principle. The truth of Muhammadiyah is the main pole of the universe, which all Prophets and Divine Guardians are the ranks of this great name. His prophecy includes all kinds of absence and intuition, and when it is realized in a person, it is divided into a special and popular guardianship. The special guardianship is the source of prophecy, and as one of the divine names is eternal, but prophecy ends over time. Perfect Guardian rule the world based on divine attributes. Therefore, the Guardianship position is the Great Divine Book and the version of great world. This study seeks to examine the connection between these three concepts of the guardianship, prophecy and prophetic mission and analyses the principle of prophecy and prophetic mission, which is the same guardianship position. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The Relationship between Imamate and Khatamiyya in Imami Theology
        seyedmahdi hosseini
        One of the fundamental issues in Shiite beliefs is the relationship between Imamate and Khatamiyya; according to the Shiite view, not only is there no incompatibility between Imamate and Khatamiyya, but there is also a connection. The position of Imamate is alongside th More
        One of the fundamental issues in Shiite beliefs is the relationship between Imamate and Khatamiyya; according to the Shiite view, not only is there no incompatibility between Imamate and Khatamiyya, but there is also a connection. The position of Imamate is alongside the position of prophethood, and the purpose of Khatamiyya will not be fulfilled except by Imamate. However, some Sunni scholars and religious intellectuals have criticized this connection. In this study, based on reliable and scholarly documents and with the help of the principle of Khatamiyya, we try to examine, evaluate and criticize the most important doubts raised about the affairs of the Infallible Imam in Shiite theology; including the Imam's relationship with the unseen world, legislative guardianship, the authority of the word and the religious authority of the Imams. The criterion of prophecy is "receiving direct revelation from God" and "independent authority"; this is while the Shiites, on the one hand, consider their Imams to have authority based on the Prophet and through him, and on the other hand, they believe the acquisition of truths by the Imam indirectly through the legacy of the Prophet. By explaining the ambiguities and answering them, it becomes clear that the Shiite approach in interpreting the principle of Khatamiyya, which is reflected in the holy Qur'an, the Prophetic tradition and common sense, is the only approach that justifies Khatamiyya and causes the continuation of the divine mission and guardianship. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Superstition and heresy in the sect of "scholars" from the people of truth
        مهدی ایمانی مقدم
        The sect of sectarians is a sect of the Ahl al-Haqq (Yarsan) and one of the exaggerators attributed to Shiism, which, despite their claims, has deviated from the Shiite principles and religious precepts, as well as from the doctrinal and ritual necessities of Islam. Alt More
        The sect of sectarians is a sect of the Ahl al-Haqq (Yarsan) and one of the exaggerators attributed to Shiism, which, despite their claims, has deviated from the Shiite principles and religious precepts, as well as from the doctrinal and ritual necessities of Islam. Although there has been a tendency towards Sufism since the second century AH, the founder of the Ahl al-Haqq sect is Sultan Ishaq Barzanjeh, who introduced this religion as the essence of all religions and finally divided the sect into seven families of truth, followed by four families including The family of Shah Hayasi was added to them, who in the contemporary period of his pole was Noor Ali Elahi (1357-1276 AD) who, with changes in both the rituals and the method and beliefs of the Ahl al-Haqq, founded the "Maktabiyun" sect and in order to expose the beliefs " Do not say "Sir" and heresy in the innovations of Ahl al-Haqq was also objected to by some of the great Ahl al-Haqq. The many instructive conflicts of the school with the arguments and intellectual and narrative sources have made many of the teachings of this sect an example of superstition, heresy and even apostasy, including explicit claims to the religion of the new religion and its supremacy over the prophets and imams, belief in distortion. In the Qur'an, believing in Donadun (a kind of reincarnation) and referring the soul to the body of history, implicitly denying the infallibility of the prophets and substituting the poles for the Imams and the solution of God in them and in themselves and claiming the knowledge of the unseen and miracles and stating the legitimacy of all religions Existing and consequently debauchery in rituals and religious necessities; therefore, he can not be considered in the Muslim Jirga. The present research has been compiled in the works of Noor Ali Elahi and its intellectual and narrative critique and library method. Manuscript profile
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        6 - A comparative review of Imamiyyah and Zaidiyyah views on the reasons for the superiority of Shia imams over previous prophets
        Mohammad Amin madhooshi mazraei abdolhosain khosropanah
        A comparative study of the views of the Imams and Zaydis on the reasons for the superiority of the Shiite Imams over the previous prophets. The present study is a descriptive-analytical research that is effective in determining the research design of how data is collect More
        A comparative study of the views of the Imams and Zaydis on the reasons for the superiority of the Shiite Imams over the previous prophets. The present study is a descriptive-analytical research that is effective in determining the research design of how data is collected, analyzed and reported. The method of data collection in leading research is the method of reviewing documents; For this purpose, the documents in the present study have been examined. The issue of the superiority of the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) over the prophets before the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is derived from the two discussions of prophethood and special Imamate in theology. According to the Zaydi school, the discussion of Imamate is based on several axes; 1- There is no difference between the position of the caliph and the Imam 2- The Imam has a political identity and nothing else 3- The worldview of this school is based on the fact that in the first place the angels, in the second place the prophets, in the third place the guardians and in the last and fourth place the Imams They are pure. 4- All the prophets in general are always superior to the Imams. Imamate and its critique by referring to the works of Shiite scholars on the superiority of the Imams (AS) is focused on three reasons: The first reason is the superiority of the position of Imamate over the position of prophethood and mission. The second reason is the continuous hadith of Saqaleen, which considers the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) to be just and equal to the Qur'an. The third reason is the verse of Mubahila. Conclusion: Therefore, as a result of criticizing the Zaydi principles regarding the superiority of the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) compared to the previous prophets, this statement has been proven according to the Imami principles. Manuscript profile