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        1 - Semi-Experimental Methods for Determination of Flory-Huggins Interaction Parameter in Polymeric Mixtures: A Review
        Zahra Khoubi-Arani
        The Flory-Huggins interaction parameter (χ) is a crucial factor affecting the miscibility and morphology of components in polymer mixtures and their final properties and applications. The reliable measurement of the interaction parameter is worthwhile in fundamental und More
        The Flory-Huggins interaction parameter (χ) is a crucial factor affecting the miscibility and morphology of components in polymer mixtures and their final properties and applications. The reliable measurement of the interaction parameter is worthwhile in fundamental understanding and quantitative determination of structure-performance relation and finally in practical applications of polymers in different fields. Different methods are used for evaluation of this parameter. In this study, six semi-experimental methods are reviewed: measurement of melting point depression, equilibrium swelling, contact angle, phase separation points, vapor pressure, and inverse gas chromatography. In these methods, equilibrium melting temperatures of pure polymer and its mixtures, degree of equilibrium swelling of the cross-linked polymer in the presence of swelling agent, surface energy of components in the polymeric mixtures, equilibrium components composition in the two-phase system, the ratio of partial vapor pressure of solvent to its saturated one and retention volume are experimentally measured, respectively. Then a proper equation is fitted on the data and the interaction parameter is obtained. In some methods, such as measurement of contact angle, only a positive interaction parameter at temperature of the test is obtained. But in some others, such as measurement of melting point depression, there is no constraint for the sign of interaction parameter. In addition, some methods can determine the composition dependency of the interaction parameter, such as determination of phase separation points. Manuscript profile