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        1 - Cultural characteristics of immigrants and its reflection in the Qur'an and hadiths
        mandana azoji mohammadali mir mehdi afchengi Hamed Khani (Farhang Mehrvash)
        The issue of emigration is one of the most important issues that played the most fundamental role in the formation of the Islamic government at the beginning of Islam and is extremely important, which on the one hand prevents the believers from submitting to the pressur More
        The issue of emigration is one of the most important issues that played the most fundamental role in the formation of the Islamic government at the beginning of Islam and is extremely important, which on the one hand prevents the believers from submitting to the pressure and suffocation of the polytheists, and on the other hand is the factor of issuing Islam comes to the Arabian Peninsula. The emigrants refer to those who lived in Makkah and migrated to Madinah after becoming Muslim on the orders of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and according to this, the emigrants, with their emigration, contributed to the promotion of Islam, as well as the spread of cultures, beliefs, values, beliefs and customs. New customs played a role and in this way they suffered many hardships. For this reason, the great Prophet of Islam (pbuh) paid special attention to the emigrants, because they put their material life and possessions at the service of his call, and with their emigration, they brought the voice of Islam to the ears of the world, and the Holy Qur'an was also transmitted from them to the world. Niki has mentioned that there are verses in the Holy Qur'an describing the characteristics of the immigrants, among them the salient characteristics of the immigrants: sincerity, patience, endurance and trust in God Almighty. Therefore, in this article, the cultural characteristics of immigrants and its reflection in the Qur'an and hadiths have been discussed, and the method of this research is a library. Attempts have been made to examine various cultural dimensions and the relationship between the status of immigrants and the impact of their presence in society. Manuscript profile