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        1 - Structural Comparison of Common Anecdotes of Sanai's Hadiqat and Rumi's Mathnawi
        sepide partovi mahdi kargar
        Many Persian literary narratives have their origin in the past of Persian literature, the sources of which have been identified in contemporary area. In the present study, the common anecdotes of Sanai's Hadiqat and Rumi's Mathnawi have been investigated through library More
        Many Persian literary narratives have their origin in the past of Persian literature, the sources of which have been identified in contemporary area. In the present study, the common anecdotes of Sanai's Hadiqat and Rumi's Mathnawi have been investigated through library method by study of books, articles and related researches, text analysis and through comparative approach so that the anecdotes with a common theme and different structure can be compared and the differences highlighted. According to studies, the use of storytelling techniques in Rumi's anecdotes is more visible, because his use of superstructure elements of the story, especially perspective, character and dialogue is much more, and in contrast, the element of time and place has been rarely used; while in Hadiqat, these two elements are highly used. One of the main manipulation of Rumi in references is making dynamic the static characters as well as adding various types of dialogue and different characters. Manuscript profile