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        1 - Passive defense, the secret of security in the range of of urbans and rurals country (With emphasis on rural and urban architecture)
        Nasr Allah Fallah tabar  
        In all circumstances, man should be able to protect his life and his property against the natural and unnatural threats. The purpose of this research is to show the possibility of involving a country in unintended conflicts such as hard, semi-hard or soft war. Therefore More
        In all circumstances, man should be able to protect his life and his property against the natural and unnatural threats. The purpose of this research is to show the possibility of involving a country in unintended conflicts such as hard, semi-hard or soft war. Therefore, we must be prepared for each of them and defense of our Islamic homeland. Because there were more than 220 wars in the twentieth century with more than 200 million casualties for people. Then, this is a warning to us to be prepared. The research uses a descriptive-analytic approach to take advantage of the practical results. Because the subject is tied to the past, the historical method is employed. The research hypothesis raises that; our Islamic homeland has been faced with several important wars. On the other hand, facing with Islamic Revolution is one of the strategic objectives of the global arrogance. Iran is capable of as eight years of sacred defense to give the necessary training to all sections of society in the field of passive defense to defend the nation and the country. The result is that Imam Khomeini (God's mercy be upon him) in a part of his thoughts says: " In all circumstances, the vigor of the defense must be in the best condition. Over the years of war and conflict, people have touched the hatred and cruelty of the enemies of the God and themselves... ". Therefore, by considering this remark and the necessity of securing and preparation, the principles of passive defense will be reviewed and analyzed for urban and rural architecture respect to building strength and the public safety. Manuscript profile