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        1 - The Fundamental Analysis of Mullā Ṣadrā’s Arguments as an Approach in Demonstrating Corporeal Resurrection
        Shamsollah Seraj Hosein  Aminparast
        <p>Mullahsadra has used the distinct views of previous philosophers for proving physical resurrection. He has considered his point of view in line with religion and surprised by those who know the day of judgment as spiritual, their express opposite opinion with doomsda More
        <p>Mullahsadra has used the distinct views of previous philosophers for proving physical resurrection. He has considered his point of view in line with religion and surprised by those who know the day of judgment as spiritual, their express opposite opinion with doomsday bodies in the from of example body and have referred to the assembling from the graves and the blow of the soul by the angels. however, the involvement of some basic issues, such as the position of the religion, the inclusion of the differences between the world and the Hereafter, the kind of bonds of the soul with the afterlife bodies, and also the constitutive substance of the eternal bodies, has led to a dualism in his vision. Although he has distinguished the quality of hereafter life from the world, in the explanation the quality of the substance of Hellman's eternal body, he has inevitably likened the hell substance to this world. To compare the quality of the earthly body with the afterlife body, the mullah has used two terms of femininity and objectivity. In fact, he has generalized the soul to mentioned bodies. Although, he has considered his method for describing physical resurrection discursive and in conformance with religion, unlike his first claim, by including theosophical issues, he has given less importance to the mere rational aspects.</p> Manuscript profile