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        1 - Constitutive discourse and triple discovery; rationality, ideology and power )Case study of 25 journals from Tabriz constitutional revolution (
        DR abolfazl ghanizadeh
        Discourse is a force that emanates from a relationship of three, rationality, ideology, and power, and is used for political action. With the identification of triples, rationality, ideology and power, one can discover the ontology of discourse, and vice versa, through More
        Discourse is a force that emanates from a relationship of three, rationality, ideology, and power, and is used for political action. With the identification of triples, rationality, ideology and power, one can discover the ontology of discourse, and vice versa, through the discovery of discourses, it can be traced to the trios of time. Since the introduction of the term Constitutionalism into the political literature and the quadruple functions of discourse, whether compulsion, critique, concealment and eventually legitimization or decriminalization in the interaction of rationality, ideology and power in the field of literary competence, especially the field of press, was realized through analysis and analysis The discourses that were heated through congressional publications in Tabriz were trivial in the constitutional period. In this regard, in the present study, 25 journals from the period of constitutionalism between the peak years have been selected and selected from different perspectives, content, approach and goals. Conclusion: Monarchism, intellectuals, including liberalism and socialism, clergy, including orthodox, jurisprudential recitations and the dominant triune of modern society. Manuscript profile