• List of Articles مسکویه

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Excellences and Its connection with oneself power from the perspective of Meskoye
        Meskoye under the influence of Greece intellectual at first dived excellences in four category (wisdom, virtue, bravery, fairness), and mention them as main excellence. He believes that wisdom is excellence of speech power and by that human understanding God's affairs, More
        Meskoye under the influence of Greece intellectual at first dived excellences in four category (wisdom, virtue, bravery, fairness), and mention them as main excellence. He believes that wisdom is excellence of speech power and by that human understanding God's affairs, and virtue is excellence of sensual power and if human gain this excellence, he will get authority of this power and uses his sensual wishes in a right thought and opinion and will released from enslavement of carnalities. By Meskoye perspective bravery, is excellence of anger power of human oneself, and if this power be under the power of rational power he will gain bravery Excellence and avoiding any fear by doing frightening and macabre affairs. The last main excellence from the perspective of Meskoye is fairness. He reminding that human will gain this excellence if he gained those three previous excellence. Overall both anger and sensual power is obedience of speech power. With a little contemplation in what Saied we will understand that there is a very strong and firm connection between main excellence and oneself power. Wisdom from speech power, virtue and bravery will created from compatibility between these three power Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The study of Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' From viewpoint of Aristotle and Ibn Miskeweyh
        The Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' is one of issues that are traditionally focus of social ethics thinkers. The study and compaire of two big thinkers ideal –one from of ancient Greece and the other from Islamic philosophies- is important. The pr More
        The Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' is one of issues that are traditionally focus of social ethics thinkers. The study and compaire of two big thinkers ideal –one from of ancient Greece and the other from Islamic philosophies- is important. The present research has been aim to clear the circumstance of the relationship of this two topics in analytical-applicational ways and also to explain the points of their ideas participations and differences in this text. Both Aristotle and Ibn Miskeweyh believies the earning to happiness is aim of the politics and political society and proponde the elements of earning to happiness, principles of obtaining to desirable political society, similarly. In attention to effect Aristotle viewpoints upon Ibn Miskeweyh thouthghs, the difference between this two thinkers ideologies, has been cause difference in some of the discussions. Aristotle believies criteria of desirability in political society and earning to happiness is living on base of virtue, but in according to Ibn Miskewayh's monalistic ideology, he believies the religion is inseparable element of politics and introduced the best politics is divine politics Manuscript profile