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        1 - The Role of incubators and science and technology parks in the development of knowledge-based Entreprises
        pegah behbahani younes vakil
        knowledge based Enterprises are created for the development of new technologies, creation of wealth in society, disseminating knowledge, entrepreneurship promotion, Creation new jobs, sustainable knowledge based economics and development economic efficiency. in a world More
        knowledge based Enterprises are created for the development of new technologies, creation of wealth in society, disseminating knowledge, entrepreneurship promotion, Creation new jobs, sustainable knowledge based economics and development economic efficiency. in a world where knowledge what comes first, In this regard and for the development of such companies, Comprehensive support services needed to exist for support the development of these companies. science and technology parks and incubators are One of the most important centers in order to promote innovation and entrepreneurship and economics development. the knowledge based companies developed and will be active in the economic cycle To support these centers. Science and technology parks, has established flow science and technology between the university & R & D centers and industry and runs the economics development. So in this article we have tried to define these entreprises and support centers then referred to the role of each centers in the development of knowledge-based companies and finally has been applied Conclusion. Manuscript profile