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        1 - Examining the components of the LEED index in the improvement of the second secondary schools of Semnan province with an ecological approach
        farzad mohammadi Mohammad Rahmani ghasbeh Gholamhosein naseri
        Today, due to the fact that non-renewable energy resources are running out and the destruction caused by the use of these resources leads to the environment; The attention of countries has been drawn towards the use of renewable resources and sustainable development. At More
        Today, due to the fact that non-renewable energy resources are running out and the destruction caused by the use of these resources leads to the environment; The attention of countries has been drawn towards the use of renewable resources and sustainable development. At this time, the attitude towards green architectural approaches in schools has a special place because in addition to observing the basic points of green buildings and saving energy, the existence of such schools is an educational tool for teaching sustainable practices to students. The purpose of this research is to investigate the degree of realization of the components of green schools based on the LEED standard tool with an ecological approach in the secondary schools of Semnan province for improvement. In terms of practical purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical method and rating and scoring tool, the present research is LEED in the sense of design and environmental guide. The statistical population includes all secondary schools in Semnan province. The data collection tool was a questionnaire and standard indicators, after collecting information and data from the questionnaires; The data were analyzed using Spss software version 22 and with descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that the LEED index for checking the improvement of suitable schools and from the point of view of having green schools and components are in the lower than average range. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Investigating the performance of electronic transformers on the environment
        Maziar Demory Nejad Mehrdad Mohadpur
        During the last 30 and 40 years, TS transformer substations have evolved a lot, from the classic assembly in open areas, partition walls and outdoors, to the existing model, in order to increase human safety and material reliability, as well as significant progress. Ass More
        During the last 30 and 40 years, TS transformer substations have evolved a lot, from the classic assembly in open areas, partition walls and outdoors, to the existing model, in order to increase human safety and material reliability, as well as significant progress. Assembly and space reduction, new results such as metal enclosures, prefabricated buildings, compact transformer substations and finally installed substations are also revolutionary. Due to society's increasing concern about the environment, the industry as a whole is rethinking the design and materials that may mean pollution, trying to replace them as much as possible with environmentally friendly communities. The inevitable development of society cannot and should not destroy the future of the earth. The time for sustainable development has come. So our work here today is a help in that sense. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Examining environmental pollution laws in Iranian law
        reza dehghan
        Iran is located in a dry region of Asia and the world, two-thirds of which are deserts, and only in the northern part and part of the western and southern parts of the forest, which is also being severely destroyed. But what has caused more attention to environmental is More
        Iran is located in a dry region of Asia and the world, two-thirds of which are deserts, and only in the northern part and part of the western and southern parts of the forest, which is also being severely destroyed. But what has caused more attention to environmental issues, besides all these destructions, are issues caused by pollution, especially air pollution. The uncontrolled expansion of cities, along with the lack of control over population growth, which is growing the most in our country, as well as the uncontrolled concentration of industries and the irregular establishment of factories are the main causes of this pollution. The suspension of chemical particles and toxic gases in the air increases so much that the authorities have to declare a state of emergency and prevent people from traveling in some areas of the city that are more dangerous. The issue of protecting the environment in the direction of human interests and eliminating the destructive effects of industrial activities has become a serious issue in the contemporary world and has threatened humanity. To deal with this threat, a decisive action is needed by adopting appropriate measures. The practical procedure of Iran's courts is based on fault-based responsibility, and as it should be, it is not responsible for all the pollution and destruction and compensation for the damage caused to the environment, therefore, considering the need to compensate for the damage caused to the environment and the resulting civil liability, which It has a special place in the science of law. In this research, the effort is to explain, explain and analyze the deterrent effect of environmental destruction punishment on its perpetrators in Yasouj city and to find a suitable basis for this responsibility. Manuscript profile