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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Breaking the foundation in Shams Tabrizi articles
        mahmoud Khoramabadi AliَََAkbar AfrasiabPour Ali Fatolahi
        This article deals with the analysis of the elements that break the foundation from the point of view of Derrida and the analysis of these elements in the articles of Shams and tries to reconstruct the pluralism of meaning in damaging the metaphysical ideas presented in More
        This article deals with the analysis of the elements that break the foundation from the point of view of Derrida and the analysis of these elements in the articles of Shams and tries to reconstruct the pluralism of meaning in damaging the metaphysical ideas presented in Western philosophy and reach new meanings from the text. Shams Tabrizi's articles have the capacity to achieve countless signs and symbols for multiple meanings with consecutive semantic suspensions. The authors of this article, with descriptive-analytical method based on Derrida's foundation-breaking approach, examine some of these concepts such as the negation of the definition of the unit of truth, the death of the author, the semiotics of post-structuralism, the dominant ideology of the text through the negation of contrasts, values, etc. have done. In Shams's articles, in the field of negation of the definition of the single truth, the truth is not considered an absolute and single thing, but it is placed in the field of interpretive debates and everyone has their own interpretation of it. Contrary to the views of Platonic logos, Shams introduces wisdom and rationalism as completely incomplete in the path of truth and sees it as a veil for the seeker. He does not contrast writing and speech or presence and absence, but beyond these two, he generally considers speech and presence as a veil. Manuscript profile