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        1 - Application of moral values in kindergarten architecture based on Islamic teachings
        abdulrazzagh abdolhamidahmad reza nik khah siamak jafarzadeh
        <p>Ethics is the knowledge of how to live. Moral values are one of the most important factors in the formation process of Islamic architecture. Architecture is an arena for the emergence of individual and social life and the expression of moral values. Paying attention More
        <p>Ethics is the knowledge of how to live. Moral values are one of the most important factors in the formation process of Islamic architecture. Architecture is an arena for the emergence of individual and social life and the expression of moral values. Paying attention to the existential moral values of man and society is one of the basic needs of the formation of the environment and human life. Considering the effects of the environment as one of the effective factors on the moral education of the child, we need a detailed understanding of the characteristics that affect the moral education of the child so that we can design an environment that helps the moral development of the child and actually education Follow the child's morals. Here, the question is raised, what strategies and solutions have Islamic teachings provided regarding a suitable environment for the moral education of children? And what are the characteristics of a suitable kindergarten for the moral education of a child based on Islamic teachings? Accordingly, the aim of this research is to provide principles and a model for kindergarten design based on moral teachings. In this research, it has been tried by referring to Islamic teachings and with the method of logical reasoning and their interpretation and analysis, the environmental components and architecture of a suitable place for the moral education of children have been deduced and presented.</p> Manuscript profile