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        1 - Comparison of reason and its realm from the point of view of Mulla Sadra and Mirza Isfahani
        Shahabaldin  vahidi mehrjardi mohsen marvi nam
        The word ‘’Reason’’, is one of the notions that have been defined variously. Some identified it with the human being and some considered it as origin of misleading and faults of Humanity and even the cause of our falling from Heaven. According to some Reason is the same More
        The word ‘’Reason’’, is one of the notions that have been defined variously. Some identified it with the human being and some considered it as origin of misleading and faults of Humanity and even the cause of our falling from Heaven. According to some Reason is the same as philosophy and to others it should be separated from philosophy. Philosophers have been glorifying it and the Ahl-Hadith have been denying it. Meanwhile Mulla Sadra (Muslim philosopher) considered Reason as an analytic Faculty and a being placed in highly grades of soul(Nafs), that comes in divisions from potential to Used(bi al-mostafad) Reason. On the other hand Mirza considered the Reason as a created being and as an illuminated by God which is clear by itself and a thing by which others are cleared. He sees it as a reality to insight and not as a part of soul. This research is to compare Reason between Sadra and Mirza. Manuscript profile