• List of Articles قطر

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Separation of geochemical anomalies from the background by using concentration-number fractal methods in the Veshnavah Area (South of Qom)
        Mohammad salehi HamidReza Nasseri Masoumeh Ahangari Fatemeh Asgari Gholam Abbas Fanaei Kheirabad Farshad Alijani
        In this study, the concentration-number fractal method was used for regional exploration studies, and determining the anomalies of copper, lead and zinc elements. For this purpose, 800 samples of stream sediments were selected from the rivers in the area (i.e. from Kaha More
        In this study, the concentration-number fractal method was used for regional exploration studies, and determining the anomalies of copper, lead and zinc elements. For this purpose, 800 samples of stream sediments were selected from the rivers in the area (i.e. from Kahak and Aran geological maps, 1: 100,000 sheets) and then the anomalies of these elements were mapped. The results show that strong copper anomalies are observed in the northern, central, southern and western parts of the area and the highest lead anomalies are located in the western part of the area. Strong anomalies of the zinc element are located in the central, southern and western parts of the region. These anomalies coincide with the lithological units of andesitic- basalt lava, volcanic breccia, tuffs, dacites, small scale masses of quartz -diorite, and small-scale masses of quartz-monzonite. The obtained map from combining anomalies and faults map reveals that the anomalies are mostly concentrated in fault zones and fault intersection points in the area and faults play a fundamental role in ore mineralization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Taj-al-Ma’aser and some forgotten verses from some divans (the books of poetry)
        طاهره  خوشحال دستجردي غلامحسين  شريفي ولداني مهدي  فاموري عليرضا  شادآرام
        The historical-literary book of Taj-al-Ma’aser is the oldest document on the history of the Qourians. It was written in 602 (A.H.) by Hasan Nezami Neishabouri, who lived at the time of the Qourians of India and, as one of their officials. In addition to its historical v More
        The historical-literary book of Taj-al-Ma’aser is the oldest document on the history of the Qourians. It was written in 602 (A.H.) by Hasan Nezami Neishabouri, who lived at the time of the Qourians of India and, as one of their officials. In addition to its historical value, the book is of great literary importance. Using poetic figures, and frequent references to Arabic and Persian poems are among its features. According to Malek-al-sho’ara-ye Bahar, none of the ancient works has so many references to poems and poetry as Taj-al-Ma’aser has. Therefore, it can help to reconstruction of the verses lost in divans’ of famous poets. The authors here in the present article have made comparisons between the verses from the well-known poets recorded in Taj-al-Ma’aser and in their edited divans. No doubt that such a comparison is so helpful for the exploration and correction of the poems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A New Measure for Partitioning of Block-Centric Graph Processing Systems
        Masoud Sagharichian Morteza Alipour Langouri
        Block-centric graph processing systems have received significant attention in recent years. To produce the required partitions, most of these systems use general-purpose partitioning methods. As a result, the performance of them has been limited. To face this problem, s More
        Block-centric graph processing systems have received significant attention in recent years. To produce the required partitions, most of these systems use general-purpose partitioning methods. As a result, the performance of them has been limited. To face this problem, special partitioning algorithms have been proposed by researchers. However, these methods focused on traditional partitioning measures like the number of cutting-edges and the load-balance. In return, the power of block-centric graph processing systems is due to unique characteristics that are focused on the design of them. According to basic and important characteristics of these systems, in this paper two new measures are proposed as partitioning goals. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed method is the first work that considers the diameter and size of the high-level graph as optimization factors for partitioning purposes. The evaluation of the proposed method over real graphs showed that we could significantly reduce the diameter of the high-level graph. Moreover, the number of cutting-edges of the proposed method are very close to Metis, one of most popular centralized partitioning methods. Since the number of required supersteps in block-centric graph processing systems mainly depends on the diameter of the high-level graph, the proposed method can significantly improve the performance of these systems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Study of Petrography & Petrophysics of Permian- Triassic carbonate sediments in Qatar –South Pars Arch
        Ali reza Bashari
        Abstract Dalan and Kangan Formations are major gas reservoirs in the Persian Gulf and surrounding area. Several supper giant gas fields has been found in the region. In this study reservoir rock types were identified and were divided into four lithostratigraphic zo More
        Abstract Dalan and Kangan Formations are major gas reservoirs in the Persian Gulf and surrounding area. Several supper giant gas fields has been found in the region. In this study reservoir rock types were identified and were divided into four lithostratigraphic zones: K1 to K4. Each of the four succeeding zones have been divided into different subzone. This Studies identified different facies-types on the Dalan and Kangan formation in this region. Petrophysical & Petrographycal studies indicate that the best reservoir unites are found in: Dolo-grainstones, Dolowakestones/Packstones and Grainstones. Isopach maps and Depth maps show variations in thickness and depth of different zones in this region. Depth map on top of Kangan formation shows this formation getting deeper toward north- west and south east in the Persian Gulf. Continuity of marker beds in Permian/Triassic sediment and paleontological evidence support diachroneity of these sediments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Occurrence of heavy crude oil in the Persian Gulf
        Ali reza Bashari
        Some of the most prolific petroleum reservoirs with high gravities of oil in the world occured in the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous carbonate formations in the Persian Gulf area .Most of the reservoirs are composed of pelletal,oolitic ,or bioclastic grai More
        Some of the most prolific petroleum reservoirs with high gravities of oil in the world occured in the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous carbonate formations in the Persian Gulf area .Most of the reservoirs are composed of pelletal,oolitic ,or bioclastic grainstones and reefal limestone that have high primary porosity and permeability .These reservoirs are sealed either by tight limestone ,massive anhydrite, or by impermeable rocks. The seals are effective throughout most of the Persian Gulf and surrounding areas, Accumulations of heavy oil and natural asphalts on the Iranian side of the Persian Gulf extend NE to SW along the Qatar arch. some of the geological structures which are located along this trend contain heavy oil and natural asphalts within post- Jurassic formations. The major geologic factor which caused accumulations of heavy oil within some geological structures is the Qatar arch. As a result ,some differences appear in lithologic units in two sub-basins northwest and southeast of the Qatar Arch. In general , the occurrence of heavy oil in this trend can be explained as follows; • Fracturing and joints within formation ; • Reduction of thickness of post- Jurassic sediments; • Facies change of Arab reservoirs, cap rock (Hith anhydrite), in some structures from anhydrite to dolomite and also pinchout; The absence of proper environment for the generation of high gravity oil may also be of importance .It should be mentioned that "F" structure (Ferdows), with huge amount of oil in Ratawi and Sulaiy carbonate reservoirs(Lower Cretaceous), is one of the largest heavy oil fields along this trend .The Farsi "B" structure, ( Farzad), with a thick Jahrum formation (Eocene) which has excellent reservoir properties, is filled with natural asphalts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Analysis of the Relationship between Sports Diplomacy and International Prestige of Countries; A case Study of Qatar Hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup
        Hossein  Polvandeh Farzad  Rostami
        Modern sport has been dramatically internationalized and the strategic, conscious and purposeful use of sport by countries to create interaction, information and positive indexing and increase international credibility to increase activism and pursue foreign policy goal More
        Modern sport has been dramatically internationalized and the strategic, conscious and purposeful use of sport by countries to create interaction, information and positive indexing and increase international credibility to increase activism and pursue foreign policy goals can be attributed to related on sports diplomacy. Sport has a positive role as one of the tools in diplomacy and politics. Sports diplomacy has become a tool for governments to use to improve their positions and credibility. Therefore, it is important to address the issue that in addition to military or political power, there are other and less costly ways in which countries can achieve their goals. Qatar is one of these countries that, despite its special geographical location, is using this type of diplomacy to achieve its regional and international goals. In this regard, the main question of the forthcoming article was how sports diplomacy affects Qatar's international prestige. Using descriptive analytical method, it is hypothesized that Qatar has been able to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup through sports diplomacy, with four components: becoming an important regional player, an important opportunity for public diplomacy and power. Soft, participation in peace and security and attracting public opinion, play a serious role for itself and ultimately increase its international prestige and prestige. Manuscript profile