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        1 - Analysisi Abu Saeed Abolkhair and Abolghasem Ghoshiri's view on the components of mystical education
        Keyhan  Kohandel Samira  Rostami seyed mohsen sajedirad
        Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair and Abu al-Qasim al-Qashiri are both elders of the sect who have spent many years of their lives refining and educating seekers. This research in a library method and descriptive-analytical method intends to evaluate the components of mystical edu More
        Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair and Abu al-Qasim al-Qashiri are both elders of the sect who have spent many years of their lives refining and educating seekers. This research in a library method and descriptive-analytical method intends to evaluate the components of mystical education such as old age, remembrance, listening, sincerity, generosity and patience in the educational method of Abu Saeed Abu al-Khair and Abolghasem Qashiri based on the books of Asrar al-Tawhid and Risaleh. Arrange for conduct. The findings of the research show that from the point of view of these two mystics, the seeker should first have the limit of moral and educational quorum and then choose the aging path that is adorned with the attributes of piety, generosity and humility. Both mystics have accepted dhikr as one of the etiquettes of conduct and have considered its types and etiquettes; however, in Qushiri mystical rites, this seems more difficult. Abu Sa'id considers hearing to be one of the principles of his mystical education and it is the food of the soul; But Qashiri does not have a positive view of hearing. Abu Sa'id and Abu al-Qasim al-Qashiri consider sincerity and avoiding hypocrisy as conditions for conduct. Abu Sa'id considers sincerity as a secret and a joke of Altaf al-Haqq, and with a language mixed with humor, shows the nature of hypocrisy that destroys human originality and individual and social calamities. Qashiri also often expresses the importance of sincerity in the language of mystics or in the form of anecdotes indirectly. Abu Saeed and Abu al-Qasim Qashiri consider the forgiveness of the sheikh and the disciple important in mystical education; In particular, in most of the stories of Asrar al-Tawhid, there is talk of Abu Sa'id's forgiveness, and he should be called Sheikh Sakha, and Qashiri enumerates for forgiveness, types such as generosity in body, reward and wealth. Finally, Abu Sa'id and Abu al-Qasim al-Qashiri consider patience to be necessary in the face of the sheikh, the orders and prohibitions of the sheikh, and the misfortunes of the path of conduct, and teach patience to their followers and those around them through their behavior such as patience and gratitude for the death of a child. Manuscript profile