• List of Articles قرآن.

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Moral Status of Animals from the Perspectives of Western and Islamic Thinkers and the Holy Quran with a Focus on Tafsir al-Mizan
        Sayyed Hussein  Roknoddini
        he moral status of animals is an issue that has long been taken into account in the West, but there have been no grounds for its consideration among Islamic thinkers. The perspectives among non-Islamic thinkers on the moral status of animals range from the human-centric More
        he moral status of animals is an issue that has long been taken into account in the West, but there have been no grounds for its consideration among Islamic thinkers. The perspectives among non-Islamic thinkers on the moral status of animals range from the human-centric—excessiveness—perspective, which regards no creature other than man as holding moral status, to the egocentric—deficiency—perspective, which regards the entire universe as holding status and respect, and are all subject to criticism. As for Islamic thinkers, firstly, they have not addressed the issue in depth; secondly, they will reach the same perspective or at least similar ones, i.e. presence of moral status for animals, if they address the issue given the same basic beliefs that they hold based on their verses and narratives. This paper, which is of the library type, has sought to investigate the moral status of animals from the perspectives of Western and Islamic thinkers and then from that of the Quran with both revealed theological and analytical-descriptive methods. From the Quran’s perspective, presence of moral status features—rationality, purposefulness, and free will—in animals, which are the requirements of independent moral status, seems possible, and, consequently, moral status of animals appears to be believable.. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Ethical examples of socializing the famous in the relationship between spouses and their role in strengthening the family from the perspective of the Holy Quran
        Enayat  sharifi
        In the Holy Qur'an, the most basic principle in behaviour and interaction between couples is mentioned as " Consorting with them in an honourable and right manner". In other words, the Holy Qur'an mentions the criterion of association with one's spouse as the " Maruf" p More
        In the Holy Qur'an, the most basic principle in behaviour and interaction between couples is mentioned as " Consorting with them in an honourable and right manner". In other words, the Holy Qur'an mentions the criterion of association with one's spouse as the " Maruf" principle. The Qur'anic phrase , in the relations between couples has a wide meaning and many examples, which in a general division is divided into two parts, examples with a jurisprudential nature and examples with a moral nature. The present study intends to examine the functions and role of this Quartic phrase according to its moral nature in the relationship between couples. The moral instances of " Consorting with them in an honourable and right manner " are generally divided into common instances between the couple and specific instances of each. Love, patience and mutual support of couples to each other are the most important moral examples of this rule. Love is a factor that prevents the collapse of the family and the tolerance and mutual support of couples to each other is a factor to create intimacy and peace between couples, which therefore play a key role in family stability. In this regard, benevolence, counselling and caring for the wife are considered moral examples specific to the man, and obedience, humility and protection of the husband's secrets and property in his absence are specific examples for the woman under this rule. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - he moral role of the Holy Quran in the health of the human body
        Enayat  Sharifi
        Physical health is considered as one of the other health along with spiritual, mental and social health in many systems and schools. Trying to explain an intellectual and cognitive system called "ethical system" consisting of three related and coherent elements; It is t More
        Physical health is considered as one of the other health along with spiritual, mental and social health in many systems and schools. Trying to explain an intellectual and cognitive system called "ethical system" consisting of three related and coherent elements; It is the plan, the basics and the principles, and it aims to improve and promote the spiritual health of human being with the water treatment method. Therefore, this research aims to answer the basic question of how the moral system of the Qur'an affects the human body and health through a descriptive and analytical method The moral system of the Qur'an with two methods; Prevention and treatment aim to ensure the health of the human body. Raising awareness, removing moral vices, observing hygiene and cleanliness in dimensions, cleanliness of the body and clothes, sexual hygiene and nutritional hygiene are among the preventive methods of the moral system of the Quran in the health of the body. are The treatment methods are divided into two parts: the treatment method through inner and spiritual means and the treatment method through external means. Piousness, peace of mind, prayer, Quran, prayer, repentance and asking for forgiveness are among the methods of inner means, and fasting, avoiding extravagance and overeating are also the most important material means for the health of the body. Manuscript profile