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        1 - The Emerging Knowledge base Business Technology Commerce Pattern
        habibollah  tataeian esmaiel ghaderifa mahdi elyasi jahanyar bamdadsoufi
         Research findings play a significant role in promoting the quality of human life and the development of the community's welfare and international economic and social developments, but these findings, as long as they are not applied and are not available to the public o More
         Research findings play a significant role in promoting the quality of human life and the development of the community's welfare and international economic and social developments, but these findings, as long as they are not applied and are not available to the public or available to applicants They will not be of much importance and will have the cost of research Will not be compensated. The main purpose of this research is to design the Emerging Technologies Commercialization Model in knowledge-based companies. In fact, this research seeks to analyze and identify the direct and indirect barriers to the success of the commercialization of emerging technologies in knowledge-based companies. Make Therefore, it has been tried to create a good framework for this research by drawing on previous research and documentary studies. Then, based on the original framework, we will examine the case studies and analyze them. To study the case studies of 10 research companies that were selected from the list of knowledge based companies of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, the tools of interviewing and studying the documents of these companies were used to extract the conceptual model of the research. The conceptual model derived from the review of these companies in terms of business disclosure, organizational factors, life cycle, government policy, ecosystem of innovation, environmental factors, market development, and the success of the commercialized product. Validity and reliability of the research were measured through a group of 15 experts and 5 re-interviews. To analyze the data, open and axial coding was used and the software MAX QDa Data from the interviews were analyzed. Finally, a technology cube including 6 policy packages was presented as research proposals. Manuscript profile