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        1 - Factors Related To the Tendency of Young People to Be Single (Case Study: Hamadan Province)
        Saeed KiyanPour Amirali Farhang Mohsen Hajian
        According to social science researchers, the family is the smallest and most important social institution, and marriage is the basis of the family and a desirable and Islamic obligation. There are theories that indicate the desire to marry among young people is influenc More
        According to social science researchers, the family is the smallest and most important social institution, and marriage is the basis of the family and a desirable and Islamic obligation. There are theories that indicate the desire to marry among young people is influenced by economic, social and political factors. The tendency ot marry in the country is considered as one of the important issues and changes in tendency to marry in Hamadan province as one of the provinces of the country were investigated. This research was conducted among the 18-35-year-old youth of Hamadan province in year 2023, and 388 of them were selected for the study using Cochran formula. The collected data were analyzed using Spss software. Results of the research for the tendency to marry indicate that there is a significant relationship between variables such as attachment to parents, individuality in choosing a spouse, idealistic expectations from marriage, having financial resources, believing in the cost- benefit of marriage, socializing with the opposite sex. and there is no connection with the acceptance of gender equality. Finally, the regression results show that the five variables of attachment to parents, idealistic expectation of marriage, having financial resources, belief in the cost-opportunity of marriage, socializing with the opposite sex can account for 60.6% of the variance of the dependent variable (tendency to marriage). Manuscript profile