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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Excellences and Its connection with oneself power from the perspective of Meskoye
        Meskoye under the influence of Greece intellectual at first dived excellences in four category (wisdom, virtue, bravery, fairness), and mention them as main excellence. He believes that wisdom is excellence of speech power and by that human understanding God's affairs, More
        Meskoye under the influence of Greece intellectual at first dived excellences in four category (wisdom, virtue, bravery, fairness), and mention them as main excellence. He believes that wisdom is excellence of speech power and by that human understanding God's affairs, and virtue is excellence of sensual power and if human gain this excellence, he will get authority of this power and uses his sensual wishes in a right thought and opinion and will released from enslavement of carnalities. By Meskoye perspective bravery, is excellence of anger power of human oneself, and if this power be under the power of rational power he will gain bravery Excellence and avoiding any fear by doing frightening and macabre affairs. The last main excellence from the perspective of Meskoye is fairness. He reminding that human will gain this excellence if he gained those three previous excellence. Overall both anger and sensual power is obedience of speech power. With a little contemplation in what Saied we will understand that there is a very strong and firm connection between main excellence and oneself power. Wisdom from speech power, virtue and bravery will created from compatibility between these three power Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A Study of the Views of Three Muslim Philosophers on the Four-Fold Virtues: Ibn Miskawayh, Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī, and Ḥakīm J‘afar Kashfī
        Masoud  Sadeghi amir jalali
        Ibn Miskawayh, Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī, and Ḥakīm J‘afar Kashfī share relatively similar views on the soul and believe in Aristotle’s middle term. Moreover, all of them consider the four-fold virtues of wisdom, bravery, piety, and justice to be the most original moral More
        Ibn Miskawayh, Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī, and Ḥakīm J‘afar Kashfī share relatively similar views on the soul and believe in Aristotle’s middle term. Moreover, all of them consider the four-fold virtues of wisdom, bravery, piety, and justice to be the most original moral virtues; however, they also have some disagreements with each other. This paper, while trying to accurately explain the similarities between them, aims to carefully investigate the differences among them regarding the mentioned virtues. Accordingly, after dividing the virtues into primary and secondary ones, the authors analyze and compare the lists and definitions of secondary virtues in the view of each of these philosophers with those of others. The findings of this study demonstrate that the greatest similarities between the views of Ibn Miskawayh, Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī, and Ḥakīm J‘afar Kashfī pertain to the virtue of wisdom and its related virtues. However, there are some relatively noteworthy differences among them regarding bravery, piety, and justice. For example, regarding piety, there is some disagreement between the views of Ibn Miskawayh and Ṭūsī; nevertheless, Ḥakīm Kashfī provides a different list of secondary virtues in comparison to the other two philosophers and oftentimes discusses piety in unity with economic and sexual self-discipline. The list and definitions of secondary virtues in relation to justice are completely similar to each other in the views of Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī and Kashfī; however, Ibn Miskawayh’s list of justice-related secondary virtues contains 13 items more than those of the other two philosophers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Protection of Social Dignity and Parental Role of Youth and the Foundation of the Family in Today's Era
        amin fathi
        Peace is one of the main virtues of marriage Field research shows the increase of social corruption in the world due to anxiety and depression There is no doubt about the necessity of women's social presence But if the various dimensions of this presence are not paid at More
        Peace is one of the main virtues of marriage Field research shows the increase of social corruption in the world due to anxiety and depression There is no doubt about the necessity of women's social presence But if the various dimensions of this presence are not paid attention to, the strength of the family will be endangered The personality of the fetus is influenced 50% by the mother and 25% by the father Therefore, the preservation - quantitative and qualitative - of these seeds is the rational and humane duty of individuals and the political government. Today, the peak of Iblis' rule is delegitimization of property and children and the destruction of human beings in the name of abortion By creating a platform for forbidden and suspicious food and by fueling the issue of mixing between men and women Today's danger for the human race is the desecration of the family institution and the social degradation of men and women and the role of fathers and mothers of the youth. Therefore, modification of insight, tendency and action strategies and lifestyle and reducing the effects of feminist culture and practical suggestions It is necessary. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic of the semantic field of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths
        azam moazeni Sayyed Hussein  Roknoddini
        In explaining semantics of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths, chastity implies a kind of restraint and continence performing a forbidden and ugly act or begging and unnecessary request with action with certain limits. The present study is filled w More
        In explaining semantics of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths, chastity implies a kind of restraint and continence performing a forbidden and ugly act or begging and unnecessary request with action with certain limits. The present study is filled with statistical method – quantitatively and linguistic context in appropriate verses and traditions based on the concept of chastity with other concepts relevant to this term while using descriptive - analytic method in addition to establish the position of modesty in connection with the concepts of Qur'an and traditions ,has recognized certain words and related lexemes to morality It is widely stated with different functions. Collocations in two categories of mutual context and non-synonymous words reviewed and words rape, greed, lust, begging, signs of Islam and Shiism, zeal wisdom and the best worship was, and words restraint, refusal ,patience and retention in some ways they are some of the expressions used as substituents for chastity. But the word chastity preferable to substitute words in order to express the concept comprehensively and restrictively.. Manuscript profile