• List of Articles صلح

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Theoretical Explanation of “Soft Power” based on Ultra-“Nye” approach in Applying “Immaterial Resources of Power” in Foreign Policy1
        asghar keivan Hosseiny راحله  جمعه‌زاده
        The Concept of Soft Power introduced by Joseph Nye in late eighties has comprised most parts of works related to immaterial approach toward power (especially in relation to USA). The significant point is that the exclusive position of this kind of “Nye-Based attitude” w More
        The Concept of Soft Power introduced by Joseph Nye in late eighties has comprised most parts of works related to immaterial approach toward power (especially in relation to USA). The significant point is that the exclusive position of this kind of “Nye-Based attitude” which caused other ideas and comments related to explicating quality of soft application of power to be neglected and forgotten though they have high priorities in foreign policy (like the theory of just war, the conclusion of democratic peace, Post-Grameci interpretation of Dominance and so on). This study, based on the explication of software dimension along with the Nye ideas, attempts to emphasize this meaning that along the process of theorizing international relations, Nye’s view is just one of the theories which emphasizes the soft mode of power and we must follow an Ultra-Nye sample. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Peace-sodality Iranians in the story of Fereydoun (One of Ferdowsi's Intellectual Features of his Epic)
        mohammad reza Keyvanfar Parvaneh A’del Zadeh kamran pashaei fahkri
        This article seeks to examine how the Iranian heroes think about peace in Fereydoun story. In this story, several peaceful methods are discussed. The wide distribution of wealth among the needy by Faraanak, the division of the world into three parts and pluralism in the More
        This article seeks to examine how the Iranian heroes think about peace in Fereydoun story. In this story, several peaceful methods are discussed. The wide distribution of wealth among the needy by Faraanak, the division of the world into three parts and pluralism in the method of governance, and the avoidance of individuality in the division of the world, which is the work of Fereydoun, Emphasis on dialogue in resolving conflicts among heroes and relying on finding a solution to peace and absolute rejection of violence, avoiding the use of military force to resolve disputes, not belonging to the world and avoiding stubbornness and struggle to stay in the power that is the characteristic of Iraj in front of his brothers, paying special attention to justice, and avoiding oppression and tyranny in Fereydoun's actions and speech. What Fereydoun has benefited from, as well as the actions of the words and thoughts of the Iranian heroes in Fereydoun's story, are in line with today's peaceful views. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - United Nations Ethics Mediation Position in the Syria-Yemen Crisis
        Sajad  Ehrami Ali  Tavakkoli Tabasi Asgar  Jalalian
        The moral and peaceful settlement of disputes means the resolution of international disputes without reference to force. This method involves scientific methods, in which the conflicts of states and groups in their basic duties and responsibilities can be resolved (such More
        The moral and peaceful settlement of disputes means the resolution of international disputes without reference to force. This method involves scientific methods, in which the conflicts of states and groups in their basic duties and responsibilities can be resolved (such as negotiation, mediation, compromise, Jamila and arbitration). When it comes to resolving conflicts, there are often attempts to put an end to the state of war, the state of war, or the existence of a strong conflict-based probability. In this paper, the ethical settlement of international disputes through ethics of mediation by international organizations, and in particular the United Nations and the Security Council, is studied with the approach of recent developments and crises in both Syria and Yemen. The moral role of the United Nations in ending international disputes and crises is indisputable, but the question is how is the UN's moral attitude to ending these crises and to what extent are major global governments effective in UN decisions? The question is being addressed in this thesis by considering all aspects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A moral and legal look at the nuclear risks to global peace and security
        Ali  Bagheri Mahmud Abadi Amir Maghami Alireza  Arashpour
        The world today is much smaller than previously thought, given the size of extraterrestrial exploration. In the meantime, fast human communication in every part of the globe has made us aware of the smallest developments elsewhere. Things that may go against human value More
        The world today is much smaller than previously thought, given the size of extraterrestrial exploration. In the meantime, fast human communication in every part of the globe has made us aware of the smallest developments elsewhere. Things that may go against human values and ethics. As such, issues such as human rights, human rights and peace are more or less addressed to the ethical and human value goals of human beings. Given this, the use or threat of using nuclear weapons for nearly 70 years, years after the first nuclear bomb was tested in the 1940s, is one of the major concerns of countries and the international community. Concerns are heightened when terrorist groups seek to use this destructive weapon and this is a threat that all countries and, above all, the international community must consider, and therefore the international community takes this threat seriously. , The major dangers of nuclear terrorism include attacking or sabotaging nuclear power plants, stealing nuclear material and using bombs. Is dirty. Therefore, events such as terrorism, the use of weapons of mass destruction caused by destructive nuclear power, have led to the use of these weapons and the use of nuclear materials both from the standpoint of international law and ethics and values. Declare human beings forbidden. However, the present study, developed using a qualitative research method based on a library-based descriptive-analytical approach, seeks to analyze and examine the legal, value and ethical approaches of the United Nations and the international community in the fight against nuclear terrorism. The result of the research is that the international community's joint approach and actions on nuclear hazards, the use of the aforementioned weapons, and humanitarian responses to UN principles and principles, are the most effective way to combat Terrorism is nuclear, and it concludes that it has an undeniable focal point in the fight against nuclear terrorism, through measures such as the formulation of important multilateral treaties aimed at preventing terrorist groups from operating. , Protecting Fissile Nuclear Material, Strengthening International Atomic Energy Agency Role, Increasing Commitments For the nuclear industry and increase the liability of the Security Council, can play an important role and Tasyrgzardrmbarz•h nuclear terrorism and maintaining peace and international security will be. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Review on Peaceful Approach of Prescribing Jihad in Islam
        hamidreza hanan
        Nominating Islam as brutality is among the most important accusations and it is the axis for numerous objections have been and are related to Islam. One of the positions intruduced as brutal and was the aim for many objections was Islamic prescription and legitimacy of More
        Nominating Islam as brutality is among the most important accusations and it is the axis for numerous objections have been and are related to Islam. One of the positions intruduced as brutal and was the aim for many objections was Islamic prescription and legitimacy of jihad. A look upon the peacefulness of Islam in terms of its opposit position in friendly human rights which is regarded as the pillar for powers' belicosity and attention to establishment of religious legislation based on defense, and on the contrary, prescribing the initiation of war in humane conflicts, and also preserving the message of peace and friendship and advising it even toward the non-Muslims, along with the role of unifying the sects and tribes are among the reasons which prove the invalidity of the mentioned objections. The present survey, through descriptive-analytical method and enlightenment of Islamic peaceful positions, tries to show tjat Jihad is legitimated within the reasonable frame of defense and it is prescribed within borders without which preserving and progress of human life is not possible Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Victims of Peace: UN Responsibility and Remedial Mechanisms
        ghasem zamani
        Occasional violations of international law occur as the United Nations and its peacekeeping forces carry out their important responsibility and mission for protecting global peace and security. Remedial mechanisms become more complicated when the actions of peacekeeping More
        Occasional violations of international law occur as the United Nations and its peacekeeping forces carry out their important responsibility and mission for protecting global peace and security. Remedial mechanisms become more complicated when the actions of peacekeeping forces are attributed to the UN as a result of certain principles of international responsibility. On the one hand, the UN’s responsibility toward victims of such violations requires the world body to be answerable while, on the other hand, its immunity to trial in national and transnational courts, has barred victims from taking legal action. Although the UN has taken steps to solve this problem in order to restore the credit it has lost as a result of the actions of its forces as well as its immunity, the proposed mechanisms have posed new challenges, thus, making the UN target of new criticism. Such criticism seems even more justified as a result of the promotion of human rights in international community and alterations in the aforesaid immunity. The present paper discusses the necessity of introducing new mechanisms or reforms by the UN which would make the existing mechanisms more efficient and fairer Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - International Responsibility of OPCW to Foster Peaceful Cooperation
        شاهرخ شاکریان
        The Chemical Weapons Convention, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1992, constitutes the most important international legal instrument on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction. The present pa More
        The Chemical Weapons Convention, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1992, constitutes the most important international legal instrument on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction. The present paper intends to explore the commitment of the Convention to fostering peaceful chemical cooperation as envisioned in Articles 8 and 11, and also to assess the international responsibility of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Therefore, the main question of this paper is: “Under what conditions and according to what principles can this Organization be held responsible with regard to its commitment to fostering peaceful international cooperation in the field of chemical activities?” As discussed in this paper, according to the provisions of Article 11 of the Convention, the Organization is under definitive obligations to bolster international cooperation. The paper also shows that the measures taken by the Australia Group, whose members are also Member States of the OPCW, in expanding prohibitions and restrictions of the Convention are incompatible with the provisions of the Convention and, therefore, its members are in violation of the Convention. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Necessity of Power Sharing in the Security Council: A Pluralistic Model
        Enayatollah Yazadani Enayatollah Yazadani
        During the early years fllowing the Second World War, power sharing in the Security Council, the main responsible for maintaining international peace and security was to some extent equitable, given the Political, economic, military and demographic power of its five per More
        During the early years fllowing the Second World War, power sharing in the Security Council, the main responsible for maintaining international peace and security was to some extent equitable, given the Political, economic, military and demographic power of its five permanent members and their efforts to from the UN system. With the passage of time and given fundamental changes in the form and straucture of international system, and trasfor mation in the relative power of countries including the permanent members of Security Council, it seems that the present order governing the structure of the Council is unfair and undemocratic which necessitates a reform in the structure of the Security Council by incorporating influential global and regional powers. This article aims to present a pluralistic model to reform the structure of the Security Council, given the emergence of new global and regional powers Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - COVID-19 and United Nations Peacekeeping Forces: New Challenges piled on Old Constraints
        Nasrin Mosaffa
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical More
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical experiences and lessons learnt from various challenges, this article considers the impact of COVID-19 global pandemic on UN Peacekeeping operations. By addressing the ways in which these forces dealt with pandemic related challenges and restrictions, it contextualizes it within their broader historical and institutional environment of adaptation. In short term, challenges emanating from COVID-19 intensifies the current challenges facing them. In longer term, it could trigger further institutional reassessment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - COVID-19 and United Nations Peacekeeping Forces: New Challenges piled on Old Constraints
        Nasrin Mosaffa
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical More
        UN Peacekeeping forces are operational arms of security council with military, civil, administration and police mandate, active for more than 70 years in different parts of the world, to maintain international peace and security. By taking into account their historical experiences and lessons learnt from various challenges, this article considers the impact of COVID-19 global pandemic on UN Peacekeeping operations. By addressing the ways in which these forces dealt with pandemic related challenges and restrictions, it contextualizes it within their broader historical and institutional environment of adaptation. In short term, challenges emanating from COVID-19 intensifies the current challenges facing them. In longer term, it could trigger further institutional reassessment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Studying Peace in the Documents and Procedures of FIFA
        Hamidreza Akbarpoor
        The Fédération Internationale de Football Association is a non-governmental international organization that plays an active role in the international society, particularly in the realization of its goals including peacebuilding. This study aimed to examine the role of " More
        The Fédération Internationale de Football Association is a non-governmental international organization that plays an active role in the international society, particularly in the realization of its goals including peacebuilding. This study aimed to examine the role of "FIFA" in building and establishing peace and the way a sports organization could influence world peacebuilding. A further question was the basis of FIFA’s participation in world peace. The answer to this question lies in 1980s when FIFA reconsidered its macro-level goals and was converted into a multi-aspect organization. Accordingly, the participation of FIFA began in 1980s in collaboration with other international organizations active in peacebuilding such as the United Nations and its sub-organizations such as United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace and UNICEF as well as non-governmental organizations such as Football for Peace. Several articles in FIFA’s Statue specify its active presence in different fields including human rights and elimination of racial and gender discriminations. This, in its turn, provides a space for peacebuilding in difficult conditions. The procedures of FIFA also indicate its high potential and influential role in peacebuilding and establishing peace in crisis-ridden areas in the Balkans, Palestine, Afghanistan, Africa, and other places in the world through joint programs such as “Unity for Peace, United for Peace”, “Football Friends”, “Football for Hope” and “Football for Peace”. Today, FIFA’s outlook is focused more than ever on peace and activities for peacebuilding. This is more tangible considering the developments in relations with other organizations active in peacebuilding and the significance of FIFA’s social responsibility. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - UN Preventive Diplomacy and International Peace After the Cold War
        Amir Hooshang  Mirkooshesh ramtin rezaii
        With the end of the Cold War and the bipolar system of international relations and consequently the establishment of international peace, the international system has undergone profound changes and has experienced new features and variables. According to this paper, the More
        With the end of the Cold War and the bipolar system of international relations and consequently the establishment of international peace, the international system has undergone profound changes and has experienced new features and variables. According to this paper, the concept of international peace has been in a very critical and deplorable state since the 1990s, and the mechanisms for achieving peace, including the United Nations' preventive diplomacy as the sole institution for the realization of international peace was both ineffective and inefficient in preventing bloody conflicts and large-scale genocides in comparison with the Cold War era. This article seeks to answer the question that how is the performance of UN preventive diplomacy assessed in the post-Cold War era? In response to this question, it is hypothesized that the performance of UN preventive diplomacy in the post-Cold War era has not been successful due to its weakness and inefficiency in resolving armed conflicts in order to achieve international peace. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Examining the levels of types and realization of peace from the Baha'i point of view
        ali khalaji Amir Reza  Khalili seyed ahmad darestani Seyyed Mohammad  Hosseini
        Peace is one of the important issues that all sects and religions pay serious attention to and try to present a clear picture of. Baha'i is one of the sects that is trying hard to show itself as the leader in providing peace and peaceful coexistence in the world. The ma More
        Peace is one of the important issues that all sects and religions pay serious attention to and try to present a clear picture of. Baha'i is one of the sects that is trying hard to show itself as the leader in providing peace and peaceful coexistence in the world. The main question in this article is, what is the concept, degrees and types of peace in Baha'i texts? The purpose of this research is to show the levels and characteristics of peace using Baha'i written sources. The findings of this research show that four terms of peace have been mentioned in Baha'i texts, which are general peace, lesser peace, greater peace, and greater peace. These terms do not have exact characteristics and for the first three terms, the feature of homogeneity is mentioned and the greatest peace is when all people accept the Baha'i teachings and become Baha'is. The image of peace from the Baha'is has no scientific depth and is just a few simple recommendations, and contrary to what they believe, it cannot be considered as the savior of mankind and knowledge from God. The nature of this descriptive scientific article and the method of collecting information is also a library. Manuscript profile