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  • شیمی زیرکن# دایک¬های پگماتیتی# ضریب توزیع# عناصر نادرخاکی# فوگاسیته اکسیژن# پهنه سنندج- سیرجان#
    • List of Articles شیمی زیرکن# دایک¬های پگماتیتی# ضریب توزیع# عناصر نادرخاکی# فوگاسیته اکسیژن# پهنه سنندج- سیرجان#

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Determination of formation temperature, oxygen fugacity and Ce4+/Ce3+ ratio with using zircon chemistry in the pegmatitic dikes of Malayer-Boroujerd-Shazand, Sanandaj-Sirjan zone
        Majid Ghasemi siani
        The Granitoid plutons in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone host numerous pegmatitic dikes. This study is focused on mineral chemistry of zircons in the pegmatite dikes in the Malayer, Boroujerd and Shazand district to evaluate zircon crystallization temperature, oxygen fugacity More
        The Granitoid plutons in the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone host numerous pegmatitic dikes. This study is focused on mineral chemistry of zircons in the pegmatite dikes in the Malayer, Boroujerd and Shazand district to evaluate zircon crystallization temperature, oxygen fugacity and Ce4+/Ce3+ ratio and also zircon/rock partition coefficients of REEs and U, Th, Ta, Nb and Y. Trace element discrimination digrams such as Th versus Y and Yb/Sm versus Y and Nb, indicated studied zircons were located in the syenite pegmatite field. Zircon/rock partition coefficients indicate that zircon granis are enriched in the HREE than LREE. Zircon chemistry show that zircon in the Shazand and Malayer pegmatite dikes have more Hf and less REE distribution than zircons in the Boroujerd pegmatite dikes. Consequently, it indicates the role of latter hydrothermal process in the formation of Boroujerd zircons. Crystallization temperature, oxygen fugacity and Ce4+/Ce3+ ratios decrease from Malayer to Shazand and finally Boroujerd pegmatite dikes. Reduced condition of magmatism, Th/U contents below 1 and Y/Ho content higher than 20 indicate that these pegmatities are barren. Manuscript profile