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        1 - Analysis of children's characters regarding the importance of childhood in Attar's Tazkereh al-Awliya
        arezo hagigi seyed mohsen sajedirad mohamad ali atashsowda
        Tazkirat al-Awliyā is one of the valuable mystical works in which Attar Neyshapouri introduces the Sufi saints by mentioning their sayings, anecdotes and wise narrations. A majority of this book consists of narratives about the life and characteristics of saints with a More
        Tazkirat al-Awliyā is one of the valuable mystical works in which Attar Neyshapouri introduces the Sufi saints by mentioning their sayings, anecdotes and wise narrations. A majority of this book consists of narratives about the life and characteristics of saints with a narrative structure. In these narratives, there are other relatively fixed characters besides the saints, one of whom are children. they have two different faces in the inner layers of their characters; sometimes they are children in their own sense; sometimes they are identical to the characters of "the Old" and "unseen language". Using purposive sampling method and content analysis, in this article we investigate the manifestations of children's characters in Tazkirat al-Awliyā and at the same time, examine the childhood, the saints' views towards children, and different manifestations of children's characters and their roles in this mystical narrative. Manuscript profile