• List of Articles سکون

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analysis for affectation of good governance on the quality of rural life (Case study: Dehgolan County)
        Hamed ghadermarzi atefeh ahmadi farhad javan hossein ahmadi
        Good governance is a comparative approach in planning and resource management to achieve sustainable development that through obtain lawfulness behavior and institutionalization of accountability, participation, transparency, legitimacy, accountability, consensus,... I More
        Good governance is a comparative approach in planning and resource management to achieve sustainable development that through obtain lawfulness behavior and institutionalization of accountability, participation, transparency, legitimacy, accountability, consensus,... In this regard, this paper try to survey influence of good governance to sustainable rural quality of life in 16 villages of Dehgolan. Analytical methodology is based on studies libraries, documentary and field. As well as to analyze the data obtained try to use with technique of Mauritius and software SPSS, the impact of governance on sustainability quality of rural life and the relationship between these two variables (good governance, quality of rural life) to be determined. Result indicated that the Village Abasjob is undesirable. And villages of including (Tylkv, Saeed Abad, Sarab, Nyaz, Gedmiran, DehRashid, Mobarakabad, Gheshlagh Khodakarami, Qadrmz, Azarand, Abbarik, Kakajoob, Tarval, Srvalh) in a relatively good situation. In the end located Baladasti village in good condition. The results of correlation analysis with regard to the relationship between good governance and quality of rural life, implying significant between indicators of good governance (participation, accountability, Collective agreement, equality, Legality, transparency and openness, efficiency and effectiveness), with component the quality of life with a significance level of 0.000. And results of Regression test showed that, eight independent variable (governance) with the dependent variable (quality of life) has a significant relationship between the level of 05/0 = P. The results of Path analysis showed that all governance variables has direct effects on dependent variable (quality of life). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Assessment of satisfaction and environmental quality assessment of residential buildings (case study: institutional hospitals in Isfahan)
        masoud taghvaei Atiyeh Aliakbari
        Improving the quality of life and satisfaction of citizens from their residential environment is an important goal of urban management. One of the housing policies in Iran is institutional housing, institutional housing has been created at the national level on state ow More
        Improving the quality of life and satisfaction of citizens from their residential environment is an important goal of urban management. One of the housing policies in Iran is institutional housing, institutional housing has been created at the national level on state owned land. After years of its implementation, it is necessary to examine the results of this experience in terms of the degree of success and satisfaction in creating quality of life. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the satisfaction of organizational accommodation and the quality of their residential environment in Isfahan city according to the effective indicators of sustainable housing (environmental, accessibility, physical infrastructure, cultural, social and economic). While satisfaction has a multi-dimensional concept and is shaped by various indicators. This research is applied in a descriptive-analytical and survey nature. In collecting data and information, documentary and field methods and questionnaire tools have been used. The statistical population is the inhabitants of the Kay-Bahar organizational housing estates and the Isfahan professors' community. The sample size was determined by Cochran method, 384 people and 35 experts and 35 managers. In this study, SPSS software and chi-square test, factor analysis and SWOT technique were used. Based on the Chi 2 test, the sig value in the physical dimension is less than 0.05, which indicates the significance of the hypothesis, that is, they are satisfied in three questionnaires of the physical section in all fields. According to the factor analysis, the status of the six indicators is satisfactory for residents of institutional houses. The findings from the SWOT model showed that the review strategies with a total of 6.77 as the first priority and an aggressive strategy with a total coefficients of 6.49 in the second priority of the satisfaction of the housing. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Impact Analysis of the Physical-Spatial Transformations of Suburban Rural Settlements on Internal and External Factors at Urban Collection Mashhad
        Mahdi Javanshiri   Hamdollah Sojasi Qeydari
        The present study was conducted to investigate, analyze and explain the physical-spatial changes of rural settlements at urban collection Mashhad during the last ten years. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical and fundamental in terms of purpos More
        The present study was conducted to investigate, analyze and explain the physical-spatial changes of rural settlements at urban collection Mashhad during the last ten years. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical and fundamental in terms of purpose. Documentary and field methods have been used to collect information. The sample population is 28 villages of over 20 households in urban collection Mashhad which were selected from different classes of population and different distances with Mashhad city. From 20083 households in sample rural areas, using the Cochran formula, a sample size of 377 households were selected by random sampling method. To test the conceptual model of research and the effect of identified factors on physical-spatial evolution was used with partial least squares technique and using Smart PLS software. According to the results, the coefficients t between the main variables of research were above 2.58, that is, the relationship is significant and direct; In this way, internal indices, adjacent to the metropolis of Mashhad and external factors have a positive and significant effect on the physical and spatial changes of rural settlements. According to the coefficients of the total variable, external factors with a coefficient of 0.947 have the greatest impact and the internal factors of the village have had the least impact on the physical-spatial changes of settlements. The results of spatial analysis and ranking of sample villages with the WASPAS estimation model indicated that the villages of Gorgi-Sofla, Hosseinabad-Ghorghi and Dostabad had the highest level of physical-spatial changes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Assessing the Social and Physical Environment Quality of Residential Neighborhoods with Residential Satisfaction approach (Case study: Rasht Township)
        Shamila Allahyari Asli Arde Maryam Jafari Mehrabadi Asqar Shokrgozar
        Measuring residential quality as an important part of quality of life is a tool for evaluating urban planning and policymaking to provide a platform for future actions. Therefore, this research focuses on the quality of social and physical environment of residential nei More
        Measuring residential quality as an important part of quality of life is a tool for evaluating urban planning and policymaking to provide a platform for future actions. Therefore, this research focuses on the quality of social and physical environment of residential neighborhoods in Rasht city which has been done by descriptive-analytical method and using a residential satisfaction approach in the form of field survey completion. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured by Cronbach's alpha and the data were analyzed using SPSS software and statistical methods such as path analysis and One-sample T-test. Given the results, in social environment, indicators of vitality of neighborhood and thrust to sellers are at a desirable level and indicators of right of children, right of animal and continue living with acquiring better economic conditions are undesirable and in physical environment, indicators of cleanliness of passages and cleanliness of residents in neighborhood are above the average level of quality and indicators of urban furniture quality, existence of trees alongside of streets, safety related to car travelling, pavements and asphalt of pathways and beauty of outside and appearance of the buildings in neighborhood are undesirable. In general, residents are satisfied with the social environment but are dissatisfied with the physical environment. In social environment, right of children and meets expectations by neighborhood and in physical environment, cleanliness of residents and outside beauty of the buildings in neighborhood were respectively important according to the residents. In general, in viewpoint of residents, the importance of the social environment and the physical environment to be approximately equal. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Theory of Benevolence in the Light the Qur'an and Mysticism
        محمد تقی فعالی
        Religion qua religion has many wide-ranging and vast aspects. The question to be answered is whether we can summarize all those aspects in one and all-inclusive facet. Dealing with the theory of benevolence, this article says yes to this question. The theory suggests th More
        Religion qua religion has many wide-ranging and vast aspects. The question to be answered is whether we can summarize all those aspects in one and all-inclusive facet. Dealing with the theory of benevolence, this article says yes to this question. The theory suggests that from one side benevolence is the manifestation of the all-embracing name of al-Rahman, and from another side as the pure religion includes all aspects of religion. The holy name of Allah is the most embracing name of Him; then after this name, comes the fair name of al-Rahman as the most embracing name. al-Rahman is manifested in benevolence. Since religion has been revealed according to the embracing name of al-Rahman, one can say that benevolence is the core essence of religion. This theory has different principles. In what follows, the author has tried to study various aspects of that theory examining its principle and reasons in the light of the Qur’an and mysticism. The conclusion is that benevolence, self-sacrifice and in general mercy are the core essence and all-embracing aspect of religion. The methods followed here are reference-to-library for data collection and analytic-descriptive for judgment Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - بررسی ویژگی های اجتماعی، اقتصادی و کالبدی سکونت گاه های غیر رسمی (مطالعه موردی: محله عینک شهر رشت)
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Platonic and Aristotelean Roots of the Concept of Time in Islamic Philosophy
        Seyed Mohammad  Moosavi Baygi Mohammad Amin  Afzalzadeh
        Time is one of the most important features of the world of matter, and the knowledge of which has always attracted the attention of philosophers. The simplicity of perception of time and the difficulty of its explanation have resulted in some disagreements among philoso More
        Time is one of the most important features of the world of matter, and the knowledge of which has always attracted the attention of philosophers. The simplicity of perception of time and the difficulty of its explanation have resulted in some disagreements among philosophers concerning its definition. Islamic philosophers are no exception in this regard, and the roots of their disagreements go back to Plato’s and Aristotle’s different definitions of time. Plato defined time as a self-subsistent and essentially independent substance that is a differentiated form of the world of Ideas. In Aristotle’s view, time represents the number of motion from its priority and posteriority aspects, which cannot be gathered with each other. While acknowledging the difference between these two definitions, Islamic philosophers have usually chosen one of these definitions and tried to respond to the suspicions about their selected definition and reject the arguments in favor of the opposing one. Some philosophers such as Ibn Rushd, Ibn Sīnā, and Suhrawardī adopted Aristotle’s definition, while Zakarīyyā Rāzī and Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī advocated Plato’s definition. Nevertheless, no effort as to demonstrating the contrast between Aristotelean and Platonic definitions of time is justified because both philosophers believe that although time is different from motion, their existences are inseparable from each other. In other words, the perception of one depends on the perception of the other. accordingly, the present paper, while clarifying Plato’s view, initially intends to explain that it is not in contrast to Aristotle’s view and, secondly, aims to demonstrate the effects of their view on those of Muslim philosophers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - fear of death in philosophy of epicurus
        Seyednima Salehi Ahmad asgari
        this is a philosophy paper about epicurus and what is his philosophy of death and why he thinks that death is nothing to fear and his arguments for this thesis. our problem here is that first to know that what exactly is the epicurus thesis and why it can be enterpreted More
        this is a philosophy paper about epicurus and what is his philosophy of death and why he thinks that death is nothing to fear and his arguments for this thesis. our problem here is that first to know that what exactly is the epicurus thesis and why it can be enterpreted differently second we want to know that why he thinks what he thinks and at the end we want to know that who were his predecessors in the philosophical and cultural context in general. this work is important because if we interpret it without knowing its context it can be misleading and we may think that we know what he says but we are wrong. main problems of this paper are what is the foundations of epicurus thesis that fear of death is unjustified and wether his argument for this is sound or not? we see that in philosophy of epicurus soul is mortal and this means that death is annihilation. despite this is not the reason for not being happy but fear of death is actually an obstacle to happiness for this reason he thinks that fear of death is unjustified and say to us how we should face death. in this paper first we try to understand the thesis in the cultural and philosophical context and history of it and then we try to show that the fear of death is distinguished from fear of dying to clarify what epicurus argument really says. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Fear of Death in Epicurean Philosophy
        Ahmad Asgari Seyednima Salehi
        This study investigates the basic principles and arguments of Epicurean philosophy in relation to the baselessness of fear of death and whether his reasoning in this regard is justified. In Epicurus’ philosophy, the soul is mortal and, thus, death means annihilation. He More
        This study investigates the basic principles and arguments of Epicurean philosophy in relation to the baselessness of fear of death and whether his reasoning in this regard is justified. In Epicurus’ philosophy, the soul is mortal and, thus, death means annihilation. He believes that although this idea does not negate happiness, fear of death impedes happiness. Hence, he provides some arguments to prove that it is unjustified and explains the correct way of encountering death. Here, while presenting a new interpretation of Epicurean view of fear of death, the author tries to propound and evaluate his views and arguments in the cultural and philosophical context of this problem and emphasizes that one must make a distinction between “fear of the process of dying” and “fear of being dead” in order to clearly understand the Epicurean view in this regard. Manuscript profile