• List of Articles سوریه

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Syria's Strategic Position on Russia's Confrontation with America
        hamid dorj Ail  Bagheri Dolatabadi
        Syria is one of the countries that has a particular geopolitical and geo-strategic importance in Russian Middle East policy. Today, with the emergence of the political crisis in Syria, this country has become a geopolitical divide and rivalry between the two countries, More
        Syria is one of the countries that has a particular geopolitical and geo-strategic importance in Russian Middle East policy. Today, with the emergence of the political crisis in Syria, this country has become a geopolitical divide and rivalry between the two countries, the US and Russia, each playing a role in their own interests and goals.The main question of the present research is that the reasons for Syria's strategic importance in Russia's opposition to the United States? And why does Russia support Bashar al-Assad? The main hypothesis of the study is that in the US and Russia's competitions, Syria is the last winner of Moscow to maintain its regional power and stay in the major powers' jirga; therefore, Assad's defeat and overthrow of power decline in Moscow It leaves. According to the geopolitical position of Syria in the region and its strategic importance in international equations, Moscow is trying to preserve the Syrian political system by using various instruments (political, military, ...), play the most role in the future of Syria;In order to maintain the overall structure and order in the region, and to prevent the spread of Western interference and influence, especially in the United States. The preceeding article is formulated using a descriptive-analytic method and within the framework of an invasive realism theory. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Contradiction in NATO’s Security Strategies in the Middle East Comparative Analysis of Libyan and Syrian crisis
        hosein soori ابراهیم خلیلی لاریمی Reza قلی زاده شمس
        After the Cold War, NATO sought to revise its security identity through humanitarian operations aimed at preventing humanitarian catastrophes in various countries. But in fact, NATO has sought to extend its security influence to the peripheral regions, including the Mid More
        After the Cold War, NATO sought to revise its security identity through humanitarian operations aimed at preventing humanitarian catastrophes in various countries. But in fact, NATO has sought to extend its security influence to the peripheral regions, including the Middle East, by resorting to humanitarian operations. NATO has faced two major security crises on its southern borders, the Libyan and Syrian crises over the past few years, which have adopted a different security strategy in dealing with each of these crises. The Military Intervention Strategy in Libya (2011) and the Non-Intervention Strategy in Syria not only reflect practical inconsistencies in security strategies but also reflect normative inconsistencies in NATO security approaches. The contradictions are so profound that US and French presidents have been critical of NATO, calling it an "obsolete" and "brain dead" organization. Accordingly, the main question of the paper is what are the factors that create these practical and normative contradictions of NATO, especially in relation to the regional crises, including the two major crises of Libya and Syria? The paper hypothesized that the differences in the approach of major rival NATO powers, the role of emerging regional actors, and the different domestic capabilities of the target countries, have been the most important factors that have produced contradiction in NATO security strategies for coping with regional crises. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - United Nations Ethics Mediation Position in the Syria-Yemen Crisis
        Sajad  Ehrami Ali  Tavakkoli Tabasi Asgar  Jalalian
        The moral and peaceful settlement of disputes means the resolution of international disputes without reference to force. This method involves scientific methods, in which the conflicts of states and groups in their basic duties and responsibilities can be resolved (such More
        The moral and peaceful settlement of disputes means the resolution of international disputes without reference to force. This method involves scientific methods, in which the conflicts of states and groups in their basic duties and responsibilities can be resolved (such as negotiation, mediation, compromise, Jamila and arbitration). When it comes to resolving conflicts, there are often attempts to put an end to the state of war, the state of war, or the existence of a strong conflict-based probability. In this paper, the ethical settlement of international disputes through ethics of mediation by international organizations, and in particular the United Nations and the Security Council, is studied with the approach of recent developments and crises in both Syria and Yemen. The moral role of the United Nations in ending international disputes and crises is indisputable, but the question is how is the UN's moral attitude to ending these crises and to what extent are major global governments effective in UN decisions? The question is being addressed in this thesis by considering all aspects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Opposition Groups and the Competency of International Organizations; The Case Study of Arab League and Organization for Islamic Cooperation’s action vis-a-vis Opposition to Libyan and Syrian Governments
        Amir Hossein ranjbarian شهزاد رییسی
        With the upsurge of conflicts between governments and oppositions and these conflicts escalating and reaching the border of non-international armed conflicts, we are witnessing the reaction of other governments and international organizations to what is happening in the More
        With the upsurge of conflicts between governments and oppositions and these conflicts escalating and reaching the border of non-international armed conflicts, we are witnessing the reaction of other governments and international organizations to what is happening in these situations. Reactions that sometimes have lead to dominance of one party over another and sometimes have only flared up the flames of conflicts. However, what is important in addition to (above all of) these kinds of stances and the results of such stances, is the competence of these international organizations for their performance, which until recently could be considered as interference in one of the most sensitive and important internal affairs of governments- who are the most important members of the international community. In this paper, by studying on the competence of international organizations and case studying of two important international organizations which are the Arab League and Organization of Islamic Cooperation, during recent years’ conflicts in Libya and Syria, we will try to resolve as much ambiguities as possible in this regard. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - NATO and Syrian Crisis: Crisis Management or Non- Intervention
        Maryam Ebadi Yousof  Molaei
        Crises are an integral part of the international system. Even during the Cold War that was expected there was a peaceful world, we witnessed many crises. Therefore, crisis management aiming at preventing the intensification and expansion of crises has taken a significan More
        Crises are an integral part of the international system. Even during the Cold War that was expected there was a peaceful world, we witnessed many crises. Therefore, crisis management aiming at preventing the intensification and expansion of crises has taken a significant importance. When crises occur, some actions are taken by effective actors including states and organizations such as NATO. NATO has tried to define crisis management functions for itself to maintain it survival. Its cooperation with the Security Council in accordance with the chapter eight of the Charter and its role in various crises were in the same direction. However, its failure to play a role in the Syrian crisis raises the question that which factors influence it in playing a role in the crises. In response to this question, the author makes the hypothesis that the role of NATO in crisis has been affected by past experience and the policies of great power. The findings of this research indicates that limited achievements, the costs of previous interventions, the requirement to obtain a permit from the UN Security Council for intervention and obstacles in its way have led that NATO adopts a policy of non-intervention in this crisis and don't play an active role in crisis management. Manuscript profile